chapter five

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"like this?" i questioned, changing chords and strumming the guitar. "exactly, but make sure to move your fingers closer to the frets so it sounds clearer" slash spoke, showing me on his own guitar.

i nodded, and started the song from the beginning. the song you may be asking? it's a riff slash had come up with and i loved it so much i wanted to learn it. "sounds good" slash nodded in approval.

"thanks" i smiled, setting the les paul down beside me. we sat in silence for a few moments, but it wasnt very awkward. i really enjoyed his company.

this whole time we'd been together, i thought about sleeping with him, but one, i dont know if he has a girlfriend, and two, i didnt wanna ruin a friendship we could have.

my eyes moved to the clock hanging on the wall and my eyes buldged out of my head. "oh god...its 3 in the morning already" i spoke. i even had school in a few hours! oh well, i guess i could skip.

"damn, yeah" slash spoke, not moving. "do you need to get home?" i questioned, placing my guitar back on it's stand. "no, not really" he shrugged. "then you could stay the night if you want?" i offered, holding my breath.

"sure" he agreed, so i smiled a little and nodded. "are you okay with sleeping in my bed with me? if not you can have the couch in the family room, its just theres a lot of stuff-" "its fine" slash laughed, stripping from his shirt.

i stood there speechless, not blinking at all. "i can put my shirt back on?" "no, no, its fine. sorry" i awkwardly chuckled, tossing a few things off my bed. whew, he doesnt need to know that i think he's the sexiest man ive ever seen.

slash and i both climbed into the bed, and i turned off the lamp beside the bed. silence settled over us until slash spoke, "dont you have school in a couple hours?" "yeah, but i can skip...i dont mind."


"dahlia" a voice whispered, making me stir ever so slightly. "wait, whats slash doing here?" that was enough to make my eyes fly open at the speed of light. thank god, it was just duff. wait! it's duff! ugh!

"nothing, he was just teaching me guitar last night, ugh" i responded, not trying to wake up the ball of curls. "is that a new slang for sex? also why are you two cuddling?" duff questioned, making me furrow my eyebrows.

i didnt even notice his arms were wrapped around me. "duff, go away!" i whined, throwing my pillow at him. "fine, but i think its kinda weird your banging my bandmate" he shrugged. "for the last time..were not banging!" i groaned, now waking up slash.

"look what you did" i say, pointing to a half awake slash. "im leaving" duff spoke, dramatically hair flipping before leaving the room. "sorry for waking you up" i apologized, trying to find slash's eyes. no luck finding them though.

"it's okay" he grumbled, rolling over. oh god, his morning voice is so hot. "was that duff?" he questioned, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. "yeah, he was just wondering what you were doing here" i shrugged, stripping myself from the covers and standing up.

i stretched my arms in the air and looked towards the clock. school had started two hours ago, and im sure jess would be wondering where i was. i could probably expect a visit from her after school.

"do you need a ride home?" i questioned, slipping on a hoodie. "no, its fine. i gotta meet up with a chick anyways" he shrugged, standing up. ouch, that hurt...

"thanks for letting me stay" he spoke before exiting the room. "yeah" i mumbled, visibly showing the frown on my face since he wasn't in the room anymore.

so much for thinking we couldve been something...

i waited a few minutes until i knew slash was definitely gone. haden was at school, and mom and michael were at work, so that means duff and i are the only ones home right now.

i found duff in his usual place, the garage. a cigarette occupied his one hand, and a bottle of vodka occupied the other.

"hey" i spoke, closing the door behind me. "hey" he smiled, patting the spot beside him. i gladly took it and sighed out. "whats wrong? you always do that weird sighing thing" he spoke, chuckling a little.

"nothing" i shrugged, lighting up my own cancer stick. " it slash?" "what? uh no..." i spoke, cringing at how obvious i was. "you like him, dont you?" he laughed. "just a little" i sighed, putting my head down.

"does he have a girlfriend?" i asked, resting my head on his shoulder. "nah, he's more of a one night stand guy" duff shrugged, taking a swig of his vodka. "good to know" i rolled my eyes before closing them.


"there you are!" a female voice spoke, shaking me. i cracked my eyes open slightly and noticed jess standing above me. "ugh, what time is it?" i questioned, rubbing my eyes. "its almost four...why werent you at school?"

"you two slept in the same bed!" jess squealed, jumping up and down on my bed. i had woken up in the garage, but we moved downstairs, since jess wanted me to tell her about last night so badly.

"mhm, but we didnt do anything" i spoke, already knowing what she was gonna ask her next. "awe, why not?" she pushed. "listen, im just not really in the mood for this right now, im sorry" i apologized, before standing up and walking into the bathroom.

i turned on the shower and quickly stripped from my clothes. the water reached the perfect temperature, so i hopped in and audibly sighed out.

if jess hadnt left when i got up, she was definitely gone now. i felt kinda bad, but at the same time, i just wanted time to myself...

when i finished showering, i returned to my room to see a wild duff mckagan laying on my the bed. "what do you want?" i asked, putting a hand on my hip, but being careful to not let the towel drop.

"we have a show in like an wanna come?" he asked, sitting up. "nah, im good...i definitely cant miss school tomorrow" i shrugged, walking over to my dresser. "you sure?" he confirmed, to which i nodded.

"well, goodnight" he smiled, before leaving my room.

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