chapter sixteen

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September 1986

"good morning ma" i smiled, coming into the kitchen with a bright smile. "excited for your first day?" mom questioned, setting down a plate for me at the table.

"yeah super excited" i nodded. today was the day I started uni. I had been waiting months for this. hopefully we weren't gonna do a bunch of work today. and I was excited to maybe make some more friends.

"im hoping this course wont be too hard" i sighed out, practically inhaling my food. "i'm sure it'll be fine" mom smiled with a nod. "yeah" i agreed, scraping up the bit of scrambled eggs left on the plate.

once that was done, i discarded the plate in the sink and went downstairs to retrieve my backpack and a few other things. my backpack was filled up with notebooks and pencils. i knew i'd have to take alot of notes.

"alright, see you later" i shouted, opening up the front door. "have a good day!" mom yelled before i shut the door behind me. as i started driving towards the school i began getting more nervous.

i always hated going to a new school. sure, making friends was easy for me, but i hated it too. in a way, if i didnt find any friends, that would be perfectly fine. no distractions then.

as i entered the lecture room, i found a spot and pulled out one of my notebooks. the class began to fill up more until the final bell rang. our professor, a lady in her early fifties maybe, set her stuff down.

just as she was about to speak, a girl busted in through the class doors. now she was beautiful. short, brown hair, blue eyes, just so pretty. i shook it off and stopped looking. i didnt wanna seem like a creep.

"late on the first day" the professor spoke, raising her eyebrows. "im so sorry" the girl apologised before sitting in the open spot beside me.

"hey" she smiled towards me. "hi" i respond before looking back to the front. "alright...all of you are here because you want to work hard and become one with the law..."

"hey, i never introduced myself but im jenny!" the girl introduced. it was the same girl who sat beside me in class. "im dahlia" i responded, sending her a smile.

"oh, nice to meet you! I've heard about you actually" she smiled. "youve heard about me? from who?" i questioned, giving her a confused look.

"oh my boyfriend, slash, he's talked about you" she shrugged. slash has a girlfriend? and didnt even tell me...guess i never meant that much to him.

"uh yeah....i actually gotta go. bye" i quickly said before walking past her. i held in my tears until i reached my car. "why am i crying over a stupid guy" i sighed, resting my head on the steering wheel.

i guess i was just jealous that he actually committed to several people but never me, even though he knew how much i liked him. and i was jealous. jenny was so much prettier than i was.

after taking a few moments to collect myself, i drove home. but not to my house, more like my second house. duffs. i had a spare key, so i could pop by anytime.

when i arrived, luckily his car sat in the driveway. i knocked on the door once before entering the front door. i could hear talking from the kitchen so i assumed duff and his girl were in there.

"hey duffy" i spoke, turning the corner. "lia! what are you doing here?" he questioned, a smile gathering on his face as he set down the phone. "had a shitty day i guess"i shrugged, taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

robin was nowhere to be seen so he mustve been on the phone with her. "what happened" he questioned, holding up a bottle of vodka. i took a quick look at the bottle before i shook my head. i didnt need to drink.

"did slash break your heart again?" he asked. "how'd you know" i sighed, rolling my eyes. "thats usually the reason why youre sad" she shrugged. "really?" i asked, just for him to give a nod.

"guess he's got a new girlfriend" i huffed out. "new? he's been with her for a little...he even lives with her" duff explained. "youre serious?" "mhm" he nodded.

"damn" i sighed, looking down. "lia dont cry over him...dont get me wrong he's my best friend but he's kinda an asshole" duff laughed, making me smile a little.

"i guess your right" i shrugged, going to wipe the one tear that dropped. but duff beat me to it. "there you go" he smiled. "thank you" i smiled, going in for a hug.

i really took my time with this hug. it was much more needed than i thought. it felt like duff was the only friend i actually had left. he was literally my saviour.

"wanna get some ice cream?" duff asked. "you know i could never say no" i smiled, rolling my eyes. duff nodded and picked up the keys to his truck. "lets go little one."

After getting ice cream, the sun was setting so we grabbed a bottle of vodka and sat at a look out of the city. the wind was minimal as the lights shone bright.

"duff i dont think ive told you this before, but i'm so grateful for you. and you've been there for me when i really needed you" i spoke from the silence. "thats what im here for lia" he responded, throwing an arm around my shoulder.

the entire bottle of vodka was downed - mostly by duff. i didnt want to drink too much just cause of school. letting out a silent yawn, duff caught it. "tired?" "a little yeah" i nod.

"ok we can get going" duff nodded, hopping out of the box of his truck. he started walking to the drivers side before i stopped him. "nuh uh, you drank a lot so im driving" i strictly spoke.

he surrendered and handed the keys to me. I gave him a sweet smile before driving back to his place. when he arrived, i passed the keys to him. "i gotta go, i got school in the morning" i spoke.

"alright, goodnight" he smiled, gathering me in for a hug. once i pulled away, i sent him one more smile before getting in my car.

once i was home and all alone, i missed the feeling of someone being there for me. thats why i selfishly hoped slash would leave jenny and come back to me for good.

i hated thinking that way, but i couldnt help it.

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