Chapter 1- The Beginning of the End

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"It's always cold as hell in this training room. Do these people know what the hell heat is?"

"MOOOOM Sophia is complaining again."

"Shut your dumb ass up Tom"

"Both of you, stop it, you're supposed to work together."

"Mom, I can't work in this cold ass room."

"DEAL WITH IT! Tom, you control earth and wind. Sophia, you control water, fire and weather. You guys have to work together to keep the elements intact and Soph you have to work extra hard because you control the weather. Just deal with the-"

Yes my savior, my little sister who can pause, rewind, fast forward, and play time.

Wow how rude of my ass. I forgot to introduce myself and my stupid ass family. HI! I'm Sophia Riddle. And before you say anything, yes that riddle Voldermorts child along with my twin brother Tom Riddle and my little sister Beatrix Riddle. Before you ask anymore questions I probably know what they are so im just going to answer them. Yes, my mother and father are death eaters. Yes, my mother is Bellatrix and my father is Voldermort. No, Tom and Voldermort aren't the same person, not sure why that doesn't get into people's heads. Yes, I am the oldest twin and sibling. No, me nor any of my siblings are death eaters, yet. Yes we are related to Draco's barbie blonde ass. Yes, Snape has a son. His name is Nick and he's my boy bestie. Final question, Yes my bitch ass is lesbian.

"So are you done giving our backstory to some random ass stranger orr-"

"Trixie watch it on the cussing!" Tom said.

I forgot to mention all of our powers don't affect each other at all.

Oh and Tom and Nick are super protective over me and Beatrix. Like I had to tell Tom that Nick was gay so he wouldn't kill him for hugging me. We were arguing like normal siblings do. People think that just because our parents are who they are we aren't your normal family. They're right. Our family is evil as hell and don't know what the fuck love is.

After Trixie unfroze time we eventually started training like we were supposed to when an owl came through the open window and dropped letters in me and Tom's hands. I immediately recognized the seal.

"Hogwarts," I said breathlessly.

My mothers face paled and Tom held a scowl. We opened our at the same time and they said the same thing,

Dear Mr./Ms. Riddle,

I, Professor Albus Dumbledore, hereby declare that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Magic. Please bring the items that are attached to the bottom of the page and one pet per person. No rats, toads, big cats or alligators, crocodiles or fish. The train leaves at noon on September 28, 2021. Platform 9¾. Missing the train means you have resigned your spot at the school and will not be allowed any entry after that point. I hope to see you soon.

Professor Albus Dumbledore
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"Wait Mom Dad! Do we seriously have to go?"

Tom stupid ass is complaining.

"Tom shut your bitch ass up."

" I don't care what either of you have to say anyways, your going pack your bags you leave tomorrow and by then dinner should be ready."

My dad says everything so emotionlessly, it's kind of cool. While my mother says everything like she's a goddamn maniac. Well that's because she is but it doesn't matter though.

Tom and I headed upstairs and started packing. We share a room together, but this is the only thing we did not by force, our parents actually wanted us to have separate rooms but we strongly disagreed.

"Ok Tom, soundproof the room."

"Muffliato. Done."

"Send a letter to Dumbledore."

"I know what to do." He scoffed while rolling his eyes.

"Hey! This is our chance at a fresh start. Do you know how many chocolate covered frogs I owe Draco? 50! Yeah I said it 50! And as soon as Bea turns 11 she's coming with us."

"What are we going to do when summer comes around?"

"We'll wait till the time comes, but for now let's get this shit over with so write the damn letter"

"Alright damn."

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

Me and my sister need a fresh start. We're trying to get away from this side of life, we don't want it anymore. We're asking if you could not mention our last names or anything to do with our family as little as possible, give us fake last names if you must. We just want to be disconnected. We want what's best for us, and our sister once she's old enough. Please just help us, we'll know if you understand if you help us tomorrow by keeping us undercover.


The Riddle Twins.

Our owl came and got the letter and sent it straight to Hogwarts.

"Soph if this works-"

"We'll be free from Mom and Dad's stupid asses, we wont have to be forced to do anything anymore. We get to be us."

"Yea your right, come on I can smell the food."

"Fat ass"

"Gay ass"

"Hey! That's homophobic!"

We both looked at each other and laughed. We headed down stairs to eat. It was pretty quiet, like usual. My family was never really the "Let's talk about our day and joys of life" types of people at a table, actually they were the exact opposite. Fucking quiet and boring. I guess that's where Tom, Bea, and I got most of our traits from. We're quiet around people we don't know because we want to observe and read you to know whether we can trust you or not. Once we are able to know we can trust you, you get a whole new side of us.

Once that very quiet dinner was over Tom and I headed to our room to finish packing.

Next morning

"Tom, wake your straight ass up, we gotta go soon." I announced loudly just to annoy him.

"Uhhh it's too early."

"Bitch it's 10 wake the fuck up. You got an hour, I'm trying to get out of here."

"Ugh I forgot you're a moody bitch in the morning ok I'm up."

After he got up we both went to brush our teeth and eat downstairs. We were used to doing our little morning things in the morning since our parents' lazy asses dont get up till 12 so we also cooked Bea some breakfast. We got dressed and grabbed our trunks and we were ready to head out of the door.

We both said in unison "Bye Bea!"

As she was stuffing her face with food she waved back with a muffled "BYEEE!"

We walked out the house without looking back and teleported to London with no regrets. 

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-Trinity and Serenity

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