Chapter 10- Common Room

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"We need to talk." I heard a voice say. I turned around and found it to be Hermione.

"Ah yes my partner. What is it?"

"Professor Flitwick told me about your... problem.. I don't want to be partners as much as you do, but I am a sucker for helping people so can we just act like we get along until the end of this project."

"How about, we meet in the library-" She literally cut me off, and she called me rude.

"Ok that's-" Karmas a bitch.

"Uh I wasn't finish. We meet in the library, you do all the work, and I sit there and act like I know what i'm doing." I gave her a slight smile.

She looked irritated as hell.

"UGH why are you so difficult?!" She was fuming. She was walking away and an urge in me spiked. The urge wanted me to stop her from walking away. Something my body couldn't resist. I rolled my eyes reluctantly and grabbed her wrist and pulled her back to where she originally was. I let out a sigh before I could say anything.

"Where do you want to meet later?" She raised an eyebrow at me as if she was waiting for me to say something smart. "You might wanna give me an answer before I change my mind."

"Oh right after your doing just meet me in the gryffindor-"

"No way in fucking hell-"

"You don't have a choice either we go in the library where everyone can see you struggle or come into my dorm where we can practice safely where no one will come in." She made a valid point. I got a feeling I'm gonna have to get used to this.

"Meet me in the forbidden hallway-"

"It's forbidden for a reason-" I really got tired of her doing this. I put my hand over her mouth and said "Keep stopping me mid sentence and i'll burn your mouth off and dont try me. My hands started to heat us quickly and she immediately shook her head. I let go and she immediately started breathing heavily.

"You're crazy! Why would you do that? I could've died!"

"But you didn't."

"I couldve!"

"But you didn't."


"But you didnt can you shut the fuck up now?"

"Rude again."

"I'll always be this love, get used to it."

"Whatever, where are we meeting so I can take you to the Gryffindor dormitories? And if you say-"

"Forbidden hallway. End of discussion." With that I left.

The Forbidden hallway is forbidden for a reason. Everyone who has gone in never came out, and what I mean by that is that they are dead. Everyone that has ever gone to that hallway has died, and you wanna know why? Because of my psychotic father. That's where he used to do his little pow wow meetings with his goons before he moved into that big ass manor. But as you know it wasn't forbidden then, so whenever someone would walk through that hallway when they were having a meeting he would find them and kill them. Of course he never got caught because there was no evidence against him. So in the end they just conjured up a new wing for the school, moved all the classes that were in that hallway there, and closed that hall and labeled it "The Forbidden Hallway". I know it's very ironic but still it's how it happened, and people still think you will die when you go in there so people wouldn't dare go near it- well except for me and my siblings. But we only go there together so I don't have to worry about them going in there.

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