Chapter 9

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"The hell you mean they're dead?" I exclaimed to her in a question form.

"They're dead....? How else do you want me to explain it? I'm not sure what happened, I came home from the store and there goes mom and dad on the floor dead. No pulse, no wands in sight, and eyes closed, not breathing." She just said.

I could see Tom have a little grin on his face and so did the rest of us. Were not sure who did it but thank fucking merlin! We all laughed and didn't even realize Bea started time again. People were looking at us weird but honestly I couldn't care less.


Last class of the day and I couldn't be anymore happier! One, because I hate this, and two because there are quidditch tryouts after this class. Fucking charms. I'm not sure how this is my struggle subject. I slowly was getting bored of this because the professor's voice was literally putting me to sleep. To keep me from falling asleep once again I started to examine the room. Once again I had this class with Hermione. But no one else. Just her. She so happens to sit next to me since she was the last one in and the last seat was next to me.

She was listening intently to the professor as he was talking about different charm spells that I couldn't pronounce. That's mainly why it's my struggle subject. I couldn't pronounce some words and I didnt know why, I also struggle with saying some letters but whatever. No one even knows except the people that are close to me. But I'd like to elaborate on what I mean when I say I can't say specific letters. I mean when some letters are in a word I tend to skip over some letters.It's gotten better over the years. I dont skip over letters hardly but when it's time for spells. Might as well fail me at this point. But it doesn't really matter here because the teachers realized that when my brother and I were both isolated in that house, and remember when I said that DADA was my favorite class, that was a lie. They're spells are even harder than charms but I still like the class. So basically they grade me easier than the other students. I got knocked out my trance by a nudge from Hermione.

"Dude what the fuck do you want." I coldly say.

"Rude once again. Were partners on a project. unfortunately. " She mumbles the last part.

"Fuck no. Professor, can I get a new partner." I asked while raising my hand.

"No." He blankly said.

"Fuck my life." I rolled my eyes and groaned "Whats the project?" I asked her. I just want to get this over with.

"We have to do a presentation on the "Alohomora" charm. The background of it and how it works."

"Just to let you know I don't do spells."

"You can't rely on your powers Sophia. You never know what could happen to them."

"Please you don't know what i've been through, i've had my powers sucked straight out of me before. Didnt get them back until a year later. And I survived without spells. I think I'll live."

"You still need to know how to do spells either way. He said we both have to perform the spell."

"Fine whatever."


The bell had rang and Professor Flitwick called me to stay after class for a second. I didn't matter, this was everyone's last class of the day. But I've never seen someone get out of class as fast as Sophia.

"Yes Professor?" I asked him because he called me after class.

"Can you go easy on her?"

"What do you mean?"

"When it comes to charm spells, any spell at which she struggles."

"You mean like she has a speech problem? She doesn't talk like it."

"Her case its different, she used to skip over letters when she talks but now she doesn't. But spells she still struggles with. Dramatically. Now during you guys presentation I won't make her say the spell because that's gonna go dramatically wrong if she even gets the pronunciation wrong. But the reason I partnered her with you is because I know you can help her with that. You're my best student. I wouldn't be surprised if she still can't get it but can you put aside your differences and at least help her. I wouldn't ask you if I thought you couldn't do it. Please and I know she can have a... mouth but please."

He practically begged me to help her. "Yea fine i'll help her." He nodded at me and smiled as he dismissed me.

I headed To the Gryffindor common room, and just budged myself in as another gryffindor said the password. I walked in and saw Harry and Ron on the couch. Boy are they about to be heated. That's if I told them. I damn sure are not telling them, that would cause a war. Not literally but still.


"FUCK" I yelled as i got hit with a bludger. I would just use my powers for it to be so much easier but nope not gonna happen. I fell straight to ground from about 1000 feet in the air. I love being a seeker, but I hate it at the same time, I mean literally all the pressure is on you to win. Like one fuck up and your done.

"Damn Soph you good?" Draco asked me as he rushed down to where was at.

"I dont know. Is it a good thing that im seeing stars?" I asked.


"Oh shut up she's lying, if she was seeing stars I would be seeing stars" He blankly said while in the stands.

"Ugh Tom you ruin everything" I lingered on as I got up.

"Soph shut up so we can redo this."

"Draco shut up before I set you on fire." He raised his hand up in surrender as we mounted our brooms.

After Tryouts

"Ok are we not gonna talk about how Sophia took that big ass fall?" We were in the locker room.They picked teams right after tryout and I made it as their seeker! Draco was a chaser along with two other boys, and our keeper was some dudes name I cant remember, all I know is that he keeps hitting on me.

Due to the fact that I was the only girl on the team I had to be in a lockerrom with all boys. I didnt mind tho sense I wasn't attracted to men. But.... I didnt account for them being attracted to women. I mean I thought boy didn't like tall girls. Well I was wrong. I took off my shirt revealing my moderately flat stomach with abs you can barely see, and next thing you know there are boys whistling. I rolled my eyes and turned around. And boy I wished I hadnt. There where two boys, some chasers, walking around with their dick slinging around like it was nothing. I swear this is the funniest shit I have ever seen, though I wish I didnt.

"Dude did you just get hard at the sight of me?" I had said while laughing. I learned his name was Adrian.

" Awww Adrian has a crush on my cousin??" Draco mocked him.

He said blankly "So what i'm not scared to put this in her either."

Im not sure if i'm supposed to feel comfortable with that.

Honestly I didn't care. I just stared at him with a smirk plastered on my face. Then he suddenly got hot in a certain area.

"AH WHAT THE FUCK MY DICK IS BURNING!!" There was nothing that no one could do but laugh.

"Aw to bad you wont have a chance, im gay, as in im nit attracted to men, let alone horny teenage boys." I just said.

"Well I guess its safe to say that im glad she wont be trying to get with any of you." Draco sighed. I was already done getting dressed and slapped Draco on top his head. " Would you shut up and hurry up. Ill be in the common room."

I pushed pass everyone and started walking toward the common room when I was stopped.

"We need to talk."

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