At least I got the girl

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Tom and I showed up to dinner eventually but it was only like fifteen left but we ate. There were a couple questions asked why we were late but to be honest I wasn't really focused. I was focused on the girl across the hall. Hermione.

We decided to let her go because of the new information that had been unfolded and the prank was already done. When she walked in Ron and Harry couldn't be even more happier. Especially Ron.

"You stab that steak any harder you might break the table in half." Tom joked.

He looked where my gaze was directed and he understood. "Break the table in half if you need to just... don't set him on fire. Please."

"Fine, but I make no promises."


Usually when she says " I make no promises' ' nine times out of ten shes going to do it. Willingly or unwillingly. That's the thing that scares me about her. Shes unpredictable even to me. And I can read the girl's mind. Its like when she goes in a dark space in her head it's not telling what she would do.

"Hey Bea, I'll be back."

"Where are you- and he's gone. No one in this family tells me anything."

I headed over to the Gryffindor table. "Destiny we need to talk."

"About what exactly... Johnson." I swear if it wasn't for so many people I would kill her.

"Can we go somewhere alone?"

"Are you trying to get me in a room Tom? I mean all you had to do was-"

"Don't get ahead of yourself no one would want your- nevermind not my place to say but anyways, stay the hell away from my sister shes already confused dont make her spiral, you know what happens when shes spiral, shes a ticking time bomb."

"Uh um... sorry to interupt isnt she already a ticking time bomb?" Some redhead said.


"Who the fuck are you?" I asked

"I see you have the same manners like Sophia. I'm Ron."

"Oooh yeah... forgot about you. Anyways talk about my sister again, your as good as dead."

He rolled his eyes. I fucking hate Gryffindors. "Anyways fuck all of you, Destiny, do it and your dead." Everyone's eyes wided. I felt a tap on my shoulder "Lets go now before you cause a scene." It was Sophia and her eyes were already darting at Ron and Destiny.

"Oh don't be in a rush to go, i'd love for you guys to stay and chat, catch up on old memories or what not." Destiny said with a smirk. I already know this is her attempt to get under Sophia's skin.

"Fine we'll stay but I refuse to sit down next to one of you." I heard Sophia.

"Wait, hold on pause, you guys know each other?" Ron asked.

"Yes, we went to BeauxBatons together, she's my ex-girlfriend." Destiny smirked.


(Italics mean Tom and Sophia are speaking through each other's mind.)

This bitch could not wait to get that out.

"I did not see that coming..." I think that was Larry, Carey, or something in that nature I forgot to be honest.

"Shut the fuck up Larry before I make you." I said with an attitude

"That's not his name Sophia."

"I don't really care"

"How did that even happen?'

"Oh nothing, I just made the school's biggest playgirl fall in love with me." She said as she batted her eyelashes at me.

"Please don't act like you didn't throw yourself at me just like every slut at Beauxbatons." Everyone looked at me wide eyed.

"Please you don't get to call me a slut after you slept with damn near the whole school including some of the boys from Durmstrang." She spat.

" Please you threw yourself at every quidditch player at Beauxbatons. I didn't have to."

"Do you think that makes you better than me? Because it does not if anything were basically the same person."

"We are not the same person. We do not have the same background-"

"Why because your a Riddle?" This bitch...

"What? What the hell are you talking about." Everyone looked at Tom waiting for him to say something.

"You know what... I'm so sick of hiding who I truly am- who we truly are. So yea Destiny is right we are the Riddles."

Welp people were gonna find out one way or another.

"He's right we are the Riddles."

"Wait, you mean yall are the Riddle kids who wiped out an entire wizarding village?" Some random student asked.

"Yup I mean I was like 6 when they did but whatever." Bea came behind us.

There were mixed emotions around the room. There was fear, surprise, confusion, and the ones who didn't care.

"Of course everything makes sense now, you act just like your parents." Larry said.

"Larry-" He interrupted me.


"I don't care. Anyways I don't understand how you people didn't catch on sooner. I mean you didn't really think we were related to the Johnsons? I mean they're nice people but come on, yall have got to be a little brighter. I mean Hermione even knew." Once her name rolled off my tongue she shot her head up.

All eyes were directed to her. "Hermione?" Ron asked.

"Me and Sophia have this weird sneaky romance going on, it started happening when we were assigned a project together in charms and she wouldn't open up to me but that part doesn't matter, when sparks started to fly when I was in Tom and hers dorm Destiny came knocking at the door and that's when I met her and she was trying to get sophia back but Sophia rejected her and then she saw me and I was in what i usually wear to sleep, spandex and a sports top and that's why when she came to the table today and saw me she looked at weird. But that's besides the point when she heard the four of us talking she randomly came into the room and exposed them to me and the rest is just me having a dramatic reaction because you all know how I get when I get lied to and the rest is history." It took some time for some to process because she said it so fast. I walked over behind her when she was sitting down and I looked down at her while she looked up, as usual.

"I was going to break sooner or later... I know you didn't want whatever we had getting out." She apologized."

"Hermione... I don't care, I just want you and only you. Fuck the world I want this."

"Me to, but what about your parents I mean they knew we are destined so about my dreams-"

"You will never have those dreams ever again... I promise."

I locked in that promise with a kiss and she never did have those dreams again. I placed a block on her where if anyone got in her dreams it would hurt so bad it'll kill them. So i'm pretty sure I killed my parents but if I didn't, oh well atleast I got the girl.


Ok finally got this dreading story over, I know you guys really didnt enjoy it due to the horrible dialogue/plot. But I promise next book will be better!

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