Chapter 7- Herminia?

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After the feast Tom and Sophia walked into the dormitories that they shared. They weren't able to share their dorm with Bea due to the fact that they are in two different years.

"What the hell was that?!" Tom had asked.

"What are you talking about Tom?"

"The Herminia girl-"

"Her name is Hermione." I snapped back at him quickly.

"Whatever I have never felt you get that mad. Not even with Lukas."

"Tom I'm not sure what the fuck that was, nor do I have any interest into finding out. I don't know her, I don't have any interest in finding out either. So Tom unless you didn't catch the hint. Drop it." The last sentence came out coldly.


After the feast the golden trio headed to the common room. It was only the three of them.

"So Hermione, what was that with that Riddle girl?" Harry asked me, lifting his head.

"Whatever do you mean." I asked, acting like I was confused but I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Don't play dumb! You guys were literally making eye contact like you've known each other for years!" Ron sat up.

"Ron, Harry! Y'all are sounding utterly ridiculous."

"Are we really? You guys were basically making googly eyes at each other." Harry said

"You two sound like a bunch of jealous teenage boys!" I exclaimed

"Whatever Hermione just stayed away from her. Last term she was here for a day and all hell broke loose. She disappeared and never came back until today. That's suspicious and on top of that she is a Slytherin and hangs out with Draco and Nick. All of that screams bad news." Harry tried explaining to me

"Fine I won't talk to her. I mean I never had a reason to but whatever."

It was the next morning everyone made their way to the great hall.


I was pretty much still asleep at breakfast in the great hall. I mean its fucking 7 in the morning. And all these damn kids are loud as fuck.

"Hey what's up with Johnson?" Crabbe asked.

Nick simply responded with, "She's not a morning person, I wouldn't try her if I were you."

Crabbe put a smirk on his face and started to poke me. "Crabbe you have 2 seconds to take your stubby ass fingers off of me before you don't have any."

Even after that he still kept poking me.

I quickly grabbed his finger and started squeezing them tightly. Lightning started flashing in my eyes. "You motherfucker didn't I just say that if you don't take your stubby fingers off me you wouldn't have them anymore." He had fear in his eyes which amused me. Wow... I am like my mother.

"Sophia. Stop it now!" I heard Tom say. And I did. I've gotten more control over my powers over the summer and also my emotions.

"I'm going back to my dorm before another stupid ass Slytherin tries to bother me and get their body parts cut off." I spat while walking out of the great hall.

"At least this time she walked away because boy if she didn't." I heard Draco say while I was walking out.


"Ok now that she's gone, who the hell is Herminia?" I asked

"Uh idk, who is Herminia?" Draco asked me with a confused look.

"Uh mudblood or whatever you were calling her."

"Bitch it's Hermione what the hell." Nick said laughing "Aren't you the smart one?" Nick asked.

"Just because I'm smart doesn't mean I'm good with names." I explained

"Whatever anyways it's too many people here to explain. Meet me in Nick and I's dorm after classes and before quidditch." Draco quietly said and I gave him a slight nod. Directly after Dumbledore dismissed us to go to classes. Sophia and I don't have a first class which fits perfectly for her. I mean the more sleep she gets the less angry she is. I'm pretty sure that's why they did that for her but not for me. I love mornings. Not sure why. I just do.

I went into the common room and sat on the long couch that was placed there. There were a few other Slytherins there who were either skipping or didn't have a first period either. I don't really care to be honest though so I just sat there reading my book "Bridge to Terabithia", one of the best movies and books to ever come in existence. I was reading it when I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around and it was Pansy.

"Hey Johnson, I need your help."

"Depends, with what."

"Your sister."

"What about her?" I could see a smirk grow onto her face.

"I want her."

"You've known her for thirty seconds and you already want her? Typical. Why do you need my help with that?"

"Because by the looks of it you can't get close to her unless you're special and you are her brother so you can obviously help me with that."

"You're not really her type to be honest."

"Please sweetie, I'm everyone's type. Just put me down with her."

"Fine suit yourself, I'll put in a good word for you after school."

"Thanks Tom I owe you one."

"Sure." I dragged it along. Not really sure if this is a good idea or bad idea. That girl does not like people.

An hour later

About an hour later Sophia came down from her slumber with her uniform on ready to go to our first class of the day.

"You ready Soph?"

"Can we just get this stupid shit over with? I want to see if I can do quidditch after school." 

I laughed at her grumpiness and walked with her to class. 

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