Chapter 12- Nightmares

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"Destiny, quit staring and answer the damn question."

"Sorry love, I still can't believe you have those amazing abs and tall muscular form, it's attractive." She smirked and she was feeling on my stomach and arms. I knew I should've put a shirt on.


"Who the hell is that?"

"Destiny if you don't stop avoiding my damn question. What the fuck are you doing here?"

"I wanna get back together!"

I froze in shock. "No. I remember you broke up with me because you said and I quote "I'm a bipolar raging bitch, and that I have anger issues." So what the fuck?"

"I know and I'm sorry, I'm willing to work past it if you are!"

"Destiny, go wherever the hell you're supposed to be and get away from my door."

"I'm guessing I'll get my answer later. See you Speedy."


She walked away from the door as I slammed and locked it. "She's literally delusional."

"Who was that?"

I turned around and sighed there were so many words I could use to describe her and some are rather hurtful. "My snobby, crazy, delusional, confused ex. She broke up with me not too long before I got here so maybe a year and a half ago because I have anger issues and I am a bipolar raging bitch. And my first love."

"Wait is she-"

"She's a halfblood, she went to muggle school with me then Beauxbatons . Very smart. But very cocky about her smarts and looks."

"She sounds-"

She was cut off when Tom walked in.

"Le'Anne! You won't believe who the hell's name I just saw!"

"Tom... I know you did not just call me by my middle name..." I said, fuming with rage. It's not that I hated it just sounded old.

"Le'Anne!? No way. Sophia Le'Anne Johnson. Oh this is good." Hermione said smiling .

"Johnson I swear at BeauxBatons it was Riddle..." Fucking hell Destiny could you have any worse timing!?


"Hermione I can-"

"Fuck off."

On the corner of my eye I saw Tom dragging her out of the room. I dont even know where the fuck she came from.

Hermione ran into the bathroom and locked the door. This is like some shit out of a muggle teen movie. The girl finds out someone lied to her, she breaks out in a song, and either locks herself in the restroom or cries herself to sleep. And since it being 5:00 and her being in the bathroom I'm not sure she'll be sleeping.

I banged on the door. Not saying anything.

Then again, but no answer.

Then again.

And again, no answer still.

"Hermione, let me explain please."




I started calmly. "We came for a fresh start, so we changed our last names so we could. Not only tried to get away from our family name but also our past."

"Who all knows?"

" Draco, Nick, all the professors, Destiny, and now you. Can you open the door please?"

" Only because you said please." She opened up the door.

"Forgive me?"

"Fine, but please tell your dad to stop trying to kill me."


"Yea I keep getting these nightmares and-"

"Hold that thought."

After that I ran off to find Tom and Bea.

I found them literally two minutes later backing Destiny up into a corner.

"Hey! Morons, we need to talk now!"

"Was the moron part really necessary?" Bea asked before her and Tom stepped away from Destiny.

"Awww you came to save me? I knew you still loved me." She smiled as she walked towards me to give me a hug. Before she came any closer I held my arm out.

"Um no I just needed to talk to my siblings please and I beg you, leave us alone and go back to where you came from."

She looked at me shocked, like something went wrong. Honestly I don't really care.

My siblings followed me into an abandoned classroom in the Forbidden hallway, they all sat down on the chairs while I stood.

"So what was so important?" Tom asked

"Well Hermione told me something a little disturbing..."

"What?" Bea asked.

"She said that she has nightmares because dad keeps trying to kill her..."

"But there's no way..." Tom said.

"I said the same thing, but believe it or not I believe her."

"How!?" Bea asked.

"Long story short she was in our room-"

"What she was doing in your-"

"Beatrix let me finish."

"Anyways she was having a nightmare saying she gets them all the time and she wouldn't mention anything further about it."

"Ok fine I believe you guys but yall have some serious explaining to do about why she was in yalls room. It's dinner. I'll see you guys there." Bea said after she walked off.



"You feel it to right... Mom and Dad calling us.."

"How come Bea doesnt feel it?"

"She probably does... She just might think she's delusional or just feeling weird things."

"Tom... I think they're coming for Hermione and not Harry this time. I mean why else would they be in her dreams?"

"To scare you."

"Why would Hermione having nightmares scare me?"

"I might not be an expert in relationships but I can see you care for her, a lot, I mean more than you care to admit, but you're scared. I don't know if its Destiny or if your scared of yourself or if its really anything but got damn it girl let it go your so uptight and mean you cant see the prize in front of you."

"I'm not uptight im just-"

"Rude, mean, dismissive, disrespectful. Want me to keep going?"

"Fine I get it, it's just if I let her, what if she turns her back on me when she learns the real me...when she learns that I was apart of that massacre, when she learns that I am Queen..."

"If she does then she's stupid."


"No buts Sophia, If she likes you shell like you for you, not the one she got the first impression of even tho that technically it is you but-"

"Tom I get it but it's just wont happen, if we end up together it's gonna end bad for the both of us especially if mom and dad are alive."

"How would they-"

"Tom they barely accepted Destiny because she's a half-blood, what do you think they'd do about Hermione.."

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