Day three

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Thomas slowly opened his eyes. He looked around him. He was in his cabin.

He was in his cabin.

He sat up confused.

How did he even ended up here?

Then, the events from last night came rushing back into his mind.

Him reading Newt's diary, him loosing his mind crying in the middle of the night, Minho arriving and comforting him.

"Ah you are finally awake!" Thomas turned his head to see Minho in the doorframe of his cabin.

Thomas simply nodded.

"I'm sorry for last night." Thomas apologized. "I lost complete control over my emotions. I'm sorry for all the disturbance I have caused."

"It's okay Thomas. The truth is, I understand. Newt was an amazing person. Probably the best person who ever fooled this Earth. But now this angel is needed elsewhere to still do good for us Thomas. And I know how much you meant for him and how much you cared for him. You have every right to react the way you reacted. When death is around, pain is always close. That's the part of the deal. Only time can do something to ease our pain. But I am not saying Newt will be forgotten. Newt will always be in our hearts. And he is up there right now, looking at us. Keeping us safe and making his new world a better place so when we will join him, he will be waiting for us and we could be a trio again." Minho sadly smiled.

A single tear dropped from Thomas' face as he stood up and rushed to give to Minho a hug. He held him tight, as like he was going to loose him too. Minho must have sensed it because he patted him on his back, trying to reassure him.

"I am not going anywhere shank." He chuckled. "You are stuck with me until one of dies"

They broke the hug and Thomas sadly chuckled. Minho knew he was in a bad shape. To be completely honest, that's the first time he saw him that worst. So he decided to not give up on him. Just like he did for him when he came saving him that night in the maze and when he saved him for that giant lightning strike he had.

He decided to cheer him up by using his stomach. Minho knew Thomas always have been a good eater. So even if he was very very sad, he knew Thomas would always have some place for some food.

"So, do you want to go grab some breakfast? I hear that this morning Frypan was doing his famous fried rice with eggs! Your favourite from the glade!" Minho said smiling.

"How... how does he remember that? How do you remember that?" He asked confused.

"Thomas, you saved his life. The least he could do is to remember some things about you! And me?!" He chuckled. "Are you really asking me that right now?? I am your best friend Thomas! Of course I know that! You are my brother don't you ever forget that!"

Thomas nodded and smiled. Minho was really the only person now who he was holding on to. Without him he didn't know if he would still be here.

As Thomas was about to say something, his stomach growled, answering at his place.

"But yeah." Thomas chucked. "I missed those eggs and fried rice! I wouldn't mind having some."

That made Minho's smile grew bigger and brighter.

He dragged him by the shoulders and they both headed out his cabin in direction of the eating cabin.


"You have to read it Thomas. I know it's hard but that's what Newt would have wanted. You need to do it today, because if you wait, the harder it's going to be." Minho told him while eating his rice.

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