Author's Note

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Hey guys!

I really hope you enjoyed reading this short book! I decided to write this book a long time ago because we always had Thomas perspective on things and I really wanted to explore Newt backstory more. And with him getting the virus, I finally got that chance. In the movies, they don't talk about the virus and it's effects on people much. I really wanted to get into that. To see what Newt would have really felt like and also to see Thomas grieving and slowly being able to move on and be happy just like Newt ordered him in the letter he left him.

I hope you enjoyed the concept of it! Don't be shy to share your piece of mind of this book in the comments! I will read all of you and enjoy answering your comments!

Don't worry, another big book like The Outlander is coming next. It's based on a Netflix series and I really hope you will like it! I don't know when it will be ready but I can assure you you will have it in September!

Thank you again guys for all the support you have shown and still giving me. That truly means the world for me!

Thank you

- OnlyNewtmas

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