Surprise?// Part 3

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I am awake I am alive I still write. Now take this 

*throws tooth rotting fluff*

You deserve this :)



"Yes my love, my sweet, my precious?" A half-naked Viktor called from his suitcase hunt for a toothbrush. Seriously, how does one forget a toothbrush?

"...what exactly am I supposed to wear?" Viktor paused, swimming trunks in hand- wait swimming trunks? It's winter- it's also Viktor never mind. A sheepish look crawled onto his face.


"Honey I love you with all my heart but I will not hesitate to strangle you here and now with no remorse whatsoever." Viktor's little shiver at the words told Yuuri he knew there was no lie there. Shuffling around, Viktor whirled on his feet to peer at Yuuri's outfit. No more like ogle. The staring lasted for a bit longer than it probably should have.

"As exquisite as you look in those skinny jeans my love, probably not the best thing to sleep in, is it?" He teased, turning his attention back to his alarmingly- stuffed bag. "Ever considered going without clothes?"

"I seriously cannot tell if you're joking or not."

"Worth a try." He shrugged, pulling a magenta hood and gray sweatpants from the wrinkled ball of who knows what and tossing it over. "This is like the only thing I have so..." Plopping down on the bed, Yuuri sorted the designated pajamas, pulling the sweatpants out and setting it on the sheets. The hood was old, slightly raggedy, and Yuuri noted a few unknown stains on the side of the sleeve. And it smelled so delightfully like Viktor. He let his face fall into the softness of the fabric, inhaling the scent. The sweet scent of faint cologne, peppermint, and a bit of cinnamon. It smelled like home.

"...or you could spend the night strangling the poor shirt."

"It smells like you."

"I'm right here, ya know." Yuuri only shrugged, refusing to move. He was comfortable; why change that. "Wow, yeah, thanks for giving your FIANCE, someone who you haven't seen in MONTHS, attention. I really appreciate it."

"Sure thing, any time."

"...I'm gonna go take a shower."


" the bathroom..."

"Where else?"

"...all alone..."

"Have fun."

"...doooo you wanna join me?"

"I'm good."

Pouting, Viktor trudged over towards the bathroom door, swinging one of those fluffy hotel towels over his shower. Only a few seconds after disappearing behind the closed door, he called out once more.

"Yuuri there's a tub in here!!"

"That's nice dear."

A second later, the sound of muffled running water filled the hotel suite.

"Ooh it's a jacuzzi!"

"How fancy."

Seconds of silence followed, and Yuuri could practically hear Viktor's mind at work.

"It's big enough for twoooo~"

If Yuuri was a sucker for anything in this world other than Katsudon, Viktor, and poodles, it was a jacuzzi. He reluctantly pried himself from the hoodie, weighing the pros and cons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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