Surprise?? (Victuuri) || Part 2

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Yeah, bet you didn't expect a part 2.

Neither did I but it felt unfinished so....boom. More writing.


Any spectator watching would have thought their hands were glued together.

Even after the scores were announced, not once did their fingers leave each other. Every single opportunity that presented itself was filled with the warmth of a sweet embrace, and the occasional sweet lingering kiss on the temple, forehead, or cheek. Ever since the initial contact, the two had been inseparable, joined at the hip. During the interview that was associated with winning first place at a skating cup, not once did Victor's arm leave from around his shoulder. Whenever the two would escape the hunger-fueled eyes of the hunting media, in the shadows of the frenzied crowd riled up by the appearance of the skater, a kiss would be shared. A sweet warm kiss fueled by the desperation to feel each other after an entire month of being apart. Arms wrapped around each other, around the neck and the waist, the world bursting into unfathomable color at the touch, the cure to any and all ailments that may have been plaguing their mind. And this touch would be held until the threat of being seen presented itself.

Their relationship wasn't exactly a secret to the world. The Cup of China had been internationally broadcast, everybody had seen the kiss. Articles had been written, many claiming the surprise embrace had been nothing more than a hug. Many cursed the unfortunately-placed arm that covered the positions of their lips. Some praised that arm that preserved the skating god's singleness. Regardless, the abundance of hugs the two would share after each competition certainly didn't go unnoticed by the world.

And Victor didn't mind that the world knew. How could he, when his fans had been the ones to bring him to Yuuri in the first place? They had been the ones to tag him in that video. They had been the ones to blow that video up. They had been that push that brought the two together.

But he'd seen the way Yuuri's eyes would dim when asked about his relationship. He'd saw how their little acts of affection in public were muted, hidden. He noticed how he'd flinched when people asked for pictures. And for that reason he kept those special kisses to the two of them. Just the two.

Of course in the whim of the moment, at that initial hug, that sense of privacy had been stripped away. And those kisses on the temple, cheeks, and forehead, those couldn't be helped.

But those kisses? Those special soft brushes that projected their feelings without so much of a word being spoken, those sweet moments where the world would melt away and it was just the two of them there together, those were to be kept between just the two of them.

So they would hide, slip into the gaps between the stands, shrouded by the shadows and dust, arms tight around each other. And they would kiss like it would be the last opportunity they'd ever get. Their lips would become one, their scent mixing into one, their feelings one. No words exchanged, no feeling or emotions voiced. There wasn't any reason to; the touch spoke words enough, palaces of paragraphs exchanged in a second, castles of consonants and vowels gifted to each other. These were the moments they had missed the most.

Though they had succeeded hiding from the rest of the world, these escapades hadn't escaped the ever-shipping eyes of Phichit. The Thai skater had a sort of sense that told him where and when there was shipping to happen, and as he passed the bleachers, listening to Coach Celestino critique every aspect of his performance, that sense had reached an all time high. He turned his head to peek through the gaps between the benches, only to witness one of said escapades.

Yuuri was dragging Victor by the arm, leading him to the darkest part of the shadows. As he slowed, he turned to face his fiancé, the redness of his cheeks evident though the stripes of light that made their way in. With absolutely no hesitation, Victor breathed the name out before throwing his arms around the smaller man, pulling their bodies together and burying the head into his shoulder. The Japanese man accepted the embrace, pulling himself closer and arms wrapping around his waist.

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