Nature's Roar (Victuuri)

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This takes place after Season 1 of YOI. Victor and Yuuri have their own house, with separate bedrooms. Yes, they sleep in separate rooms (most of the time). Fight me.

This is a longer story, about a good 4,000 words. It does become sort of a drag so I've added an optional ending point about 2/3 of the way through, where, if it does become boring, you can stop reading. Everything after that is unimportant crap I just added because my brain wanted to and I was procrastinating on work.

This concept was inspired by a certain scene in a certain episode in a certain show (no it's not from Yuri On Ice so you can stop singing History Maker now) that becomes pretty obvious halfway through...

Yeah I'll shut up now.


*KRACKABOOM* The windows seemed to shudder as the thunderous sound echoed through the house. A figure standing by the kitchen sink jumped, their grip tightening on the glass in their hand. Taking a deep breath, Yuuri Katsuki shut off the faucet with one hand while running his hand through his hair with the other, staring down at his water cup. His mind was racing, swamped with the muddy feel of midnight thoughts. A flash of light illuminated the room through the larger windows, revealing the scene outside. Trees swayed side to side as the howling wind weaved through, tearing leaves from the branches. Rain had begun to pour down, creating a therapeutic 'tip tap' on the roof above. There had been reports of an incoming cyclone in Hasetsu, so this storm came of no surprise. Still, the apparent severity of it still came as a shock. Taking a deep breath, the man slowly began making his way back to the room where he had been sleeping. As he walked down the hallway, he automatically slowed as came near a specific door, willing his footsteps to become lighter, as silent as that of a mouse. He was no more than halfway across the hallway when yet another clap of thunder shook the house once more.

Along with it came another sound.

So quiet, it may as well have been a figment of Yuuri's imagination. A small...whimper? At least, that is what it had sounded like, but then again, Yuuri's brain was always making the weirdest of sounds. Still, he couldn't help but pause in front of the door.

Did it come from in, I'm going crazy... Shaking what seemed like the most insane deduction from his brain, he took yet another step forward towards his bedroom door. A third boom echoed through the house, weaker than the last.

There it was again. This time, it was so very clearly not a figment of a sleep-deprived mind. Now turning his whole body towards the door, his fingertips gently stroked the cool metal door handle. Was it really ok for him to be entering like this? Outside, the wind seemed to howl louder as the pace of the rain picked up drastically. One sudden gust outside sent a sound like wailing through the house. It startled Yuuri, causing him nearly to drop the glass. Through the thin wood, his searching ear picked up a sharp inhale. Now certain that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him, he tightened his grip on the door handle, and tugged it downward, opening the door as slow as possible.

"Victor?" Yuuri poked his head in, whispering the name as he scanned the room. Upon his first look, all looked normal, calm, quiet. Through the sheen curtains draped over the windows, very little light poked through, coating the room in an inky darkness that could only come with the impending doom of a cyclone.

"Of course nothing's wrong. I'm an idiot. It was probably some animal outside." Standing there staring at the void, his mind began to wander. "Why did I think something was wrong? My body moved before my mind could think." This often would be a brutal mistake in skating, and at this point, Yuuri had thought he was past it. Still, he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the door. Why didn't everything feel...right? "It must be my fatigue."

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