Oh how he'd missed this. (Victuuri)

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I'm back fishes.

And I have a loooooooooong list of Victuuri Prompts that I'm so excited to write...whenever I get back into the writing mood. My writing trance has been broken and I need to fix it.

Anyways where I live, we're about to have a second civil war so I'm kinda stressed. Hence the reason I hate this entry. Might redo it later. IDK.

Laughter is the antidote to the anaphylactic thoughts that can plague one's mind.
-Me, the author. Literally I made this up on the spot.

Victor loved laughter. The word itself held a special spot in his heart, but the action even more so. And why wouldn't it? Laughter had been the warmth that held him on those cold Russian nights. Laughter had been the parent he had never had. Laughter had convinced him that loving men was ok. Laughter made him feel like Victor. Not Victor Nikiforov, the legend of Russia, the world-wide famous figure skater, the hot bachelor from St. Petersburg.

But Victor. Himself. Victor.

Laughter was a gift, and he wanted to share that to the one he loved. It was his daily goal: to get that open smile, to hear that melodious sound that was, as cheesy as it was, music to his ears. It was this need to see laughter that motivated his flamboyant movements, that fueled his bubbly speech.

After Life and Love comes Laughter.


Victor frowned as he traced Yuuri's rose lips with his eyes, following the line of the mouth over and over again. He thought of himself as Yoda, willing the force to push the tips of that mouth up. His finger tapped the table repeatedly in a continuous motion, constant, pattered. Come on...come on...

He could feel as his own mouth pressed into a tight line. His efforts were futile, and his heart felt as if it were sinking at that fact.

When was the last time Yuuri laughed?

Victor couldn't remember. And that was, to no end, depressing to him.

"Victor....you're staring again."

"Hmm?" It's almost as if he were broken out of a trance as the voice cut through his thoughts. He cocked his head as his eyes focused, landing on Yuuri's auburn globes.

They looked sad.

"Yuuri....can you do me a favor?" It was the Japanese man's turn to look confused. It wasn't unlike Victor to change up a subject almost immediately, especially if it was one that he wasn't fond of, but him staring? Yuuri would've liked to think that it was a subject Victor enjoyed talking about. Now he was scared.


"Can you laugh for me?" Yuuri looked up from his book, pulling the bookmark from its previous position and placing it firmly in place. His brows furrowed slightly.


"Laugh." Victor sat up straighter—sorry, gayer, his eyes narrowing. The answer was blunt, gayforward. It had the same energy as when he had told Yuuri to turn around at the residential cup for a hug. He wasn't playing around. He clenched his jaw, before sighing.

"Uh...haha?" An unamused look fell onto the Russian's face at the half-assed chuckle.

"That doesn't count."

"Well, I'm sorry but I can't give you a real laugh if there's nothing making me laugh." He muttered as he closed his book and rest his elbows on the kotatsu. His nose scrunched as the words which he had just said made themselves known to his brain. "Sorry, that was a bit harsh." He stared at Victor as he seemed to stare off into space, contemplating his life's choices, observing for any wrong crinkles in his skin or down turned pushes at his lips. This sudden silence was daunting to him, made his mind wander. Had he said something wrong? Was he upset? He hadn't spoken that harshly, had he? Concern washed over his eyes. "Vitya..." Something soft brushed up against his midsection, sending a small breeze of tingle up his skin. Tensing up, he looked down to see a finger disappear under the table. A silent chuckle built up in his chest, but he compressed it down. This didn't go unnoticed.

A small smirk slid onto Victor's face as a small idea popped into his mind. His finger twitched.

It all happened in a flash. A whisp of air. A breath. Victor lunged forward, hands at the ready. They made contact with his abdomen and began crawling up and down. Yuuri lunched back, but not before the explosion of stimuli shot through his body. A suppressed laugh squeaked its way out of his lips in a small snort.

"I heard that...." A smile appeared on Victor's face. That, right there, was the reaction he had been looking for. His heart was nearly skipping beats at this point as he jumped forward once more, almost attacking the man this time. Beautiful laughs spilled from the man's mouth as Victor landed on top of him, forehead pressed against forehead. At that very moment, they were one.

"No....Vitya...STOP!!!" He mustered out between breathless laughs, squeals coming out in between snorts. "His laugh is so beautiful." In a panic, Yuuri's hands shot to Victor's sides, his legs flailing out. "I cant breathe hehe!!"

"There's that laugh!!" Victor yelled out in a joyous tone, his eyes sparkling. Laughing now, he brought himself closer to the man, taking in his warm scent and bubbling persona. This. He'd missed this. This pure unbridled joy. This cloud-nine heaven between the two of them.

The last few weeks between the two had been lacking this warmth. In fact, it had been lacking interaction. With a competition coming up in just a few days, Yuuri had taken every spare moment he had available to practice or work out, so much so Victor had started calling the ice rink his second home. It seemed like he spent more time on the ice than at home. Slowly, the cold of the ice had began to pull the two apart.

Victor couldn't help but clame himself: he'd been coaching Yuuri during the normal training sessions. 6:30 am to 11:30 am, a break for lunch, then 12:30 to 3:30pm. But...the empty bed at night, the skipping of diners, the dark circles under his eyes, the extra exhaustion and weakened limbs. Those bruises on his arm that just hadn't been there yesterday, they hadn't gone unnoticed. And he'd done nothing about it. He'd made no attempt to stitch up this thinning sting between them.

But now...as they were here, bodies pressed up against the other, laughters mixing into one, their breaths shared... this string had shrunken, pulled them closer, gotten stronger. It was almost as if the rings the two shared began to shine more than they had ever shone before, just as brightly as they had in Barcelona.

Victor is pulled away from his thoughts when the squirming figure in his grasps disappears, crawling away from his hold, still laughing.

"Ok....that's enough..." He musters through breathless pants, his smile just lighting up the living room. "I can't breathe..." He chuckled. He'd missed this too. This swelling of his heart, this longing to be near him.

But the tickling? That was new. And his brain just wasn't used to it.

He heard Victor inhale, and looked up to see a wide smirk plastered on his face. He recognized this smirk.

"Victor...no. Stop it." He held his finger up as if he were dealing with a child. And just like a child....Victor licked it. He recoiled it immediately. "Ok, that was unnecessary." He whined, scrambling backwards until his back was pressed up against the wall. Victor continued crawling forward towards him, like a cat stalking its prey. The mischievous glow in his eye suddenly struck Yuuri as to how serious Victor was about this. 

He wants to play this game? Fine...

At this point, Yuuri was pinned to the wall, Victor's arm resting over his head on the wall, trapping him in a box of.... Victor-ness. His other hand was resting under his chin, tipping it upwards so his eyes were forced to look into the ocean blue ones. This brought him back. Back to one of the first days when Victor had first come to the hot springs. Only this time, he wasn't a blushing stammering mess. And he was going to play back.

"Makkachin!" He turned his head to the side suddenly, looking at the room. No Makkachin wasn't there. This was all part of his plan. Victor straightened up and turned in the direction he was looking towards at the mention of his beloved dog. Yuuri took this moment of weakness in his boyfriend to squirm out of the hold and scramble to his feet. The Russian noticed this just a second too late, and turned around just in time to see him disappear through the doorway, yelling "You'll never catch me alive!!"

"Oh get back here you!!" The older male jumped to his feet and took off after the ravenette, a large heart shaped smile appearing on his face.

Oh how he'd missed this.

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