Surprise?? (Victuuri) ||Part 1

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"Yuuri~ My little piggy, I miss you!!"

"Victor it hasn't even been a month!"

"I know, but I still do!!" Yuuri flashed a smile at the computer screen, watching as the small picture mirroring him in the corner copied. Victor, who's face made up 90 percent of said screen flashed one back.

"It really is too bad I can't come to your qualifier." Yuuri rest his head against his palm as he felt a yawn build up in the back of his throat. He tried to hold it in but failed as it squeaked out.

"Yuuri, you look tired. Sleep. We'll talk tomorrow." Yes we sure will. "What did I tell you about staying up too late?"

"I know, I'm sorry Vitya. It's just this is the only time we get to talk thanks to the time difference. I mean, you just finished practice and I wanted to give you time to eat and relax, I know you have a photo shoot later and then you have the competition tomorrow and..."

"Yuuuuuri...sleep." Victor cut him up, putting on his concerned coach face. "Now." It's not like Yuuri didn't want to sleep: in fact that sounded like a dream to his aching eyes right now. But he couldn't. Not right now...still, there was no complaining when Victor had his concerned coach face on. But...what was he going to do, reach his arm through the computer screen and force him to sleep? He knew that if Victor found out what was currently occupying his head, he would be very against it, so that was kept in. Let's see how well I can lie...

"Fine..." He let out his most believable yawn, rubbing his eyes. "I'll go to bed."

"Good." Victor's smile returned. "Sleep well my love."

"Good night Vitya~" As if it were a routine, which, at this point, it was, both of them pressed their lips to their matching golden rings simultaneously. Though scientifically it would be impossible, whenever they did this, they could feel each other's connection, no matter how far away they were. This was their tradition, their little secret. Nobody else knew about it. Smiling, Yuuri gave Victor one last wave before shutting the laptop and laying back on his bed. Yes, that last yawn had been completely fake, but not all of them were. The truth was that the man was exhausted BEYOND BELIEF. His limbs ached like they had never ached before and his eyelids begged to close and stay closed. His mind was jumbled, and it had been a miracle he had been able to complete full sentences with Victor. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to sit up and look around the room, before finally letting his eyes settle on the suitcase sitting near the doorway.

"I still have an hour wouldn't hurt to be early, would it?"

His heart was suddenly leaping in his chest faster than his brain was working as he swung his legs over the edge of his bed and stood up. He walked over to the mirror hanging on the wall and tried in vain to tame the monstrosity that had become his hair. Combing his finger through one particularly tangled lock, he allowed his mind to wander once more. How would Victor react? Would he be mad? He wouldn't be mad...would he?   As he was succeeding in pulling his fingers out of the black strands of hair, his phone buzzed in his pocket. Absentmindedly he slipped his hand in and pulled it up, squinting as the bright screen illuminated the room.

"Huh, it's from Yurio." He muttered out loud, reading the text that followed.

"Yo, pork cutlet bowl. You're at the airport right? You didn't get distracted at home did you?"

"What is he talking about? My flight doesn't leave for another three hours." Brows furrowing, he typed his response and sent it through. Three dots appeared on the screen before a bubble of text came through.

Yuri!!! On Ice Oneshots (Mostly Victuuri and Otayuri)Where stories live. Discover now