Crap Post (Unfinished and will forever remain unfinished)

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Yuuri wasn't here. This much I knew. The ice rink lay cold and empty, the ice undisturbed, dentless, without a scratch. The pure unfiltered frigid air smelled of fresh chilled water, a quite refreshing smell that would later be muddled by the musk of body odor and sweat. I stared blankly at the glass doors that led out to the locker rooms, arms crossed and pressed tightly against my chest. I continued to stare through the glass at the wall, just...willing a certain raven haired man to pop out of nowhere, panting from the inevitable run he had taken to get here, apologizing in a frantic breathless voice. Somehow, part of me was hoping he would just...magically appear from the bland gray paint, or drop down from the ceiling. Of course my mind already knew the truth: if he was this late, he wasn't coming. Still....I glanced at the wall clock above the door.

8:30 am. He was now two hours late.

I told myself there was no reason to be surprised; he had pulled this before, on multiple occasions in fact. Most of the time, he had overslept, and was still sleeping by the time I went back to the Hot Springs. Those day he would act particularly distant from me, as if hoping that the less contact the better. For those reasons I absolutely hated it when he he was late: it meant I wouldn't get to talk to him as much.

The other times he would pull this....was when he was having an episode. Those rare days when he just couldn't seem to be happy, get out of bed, or even move would be spent alone, just me and him, talking in his room, with the occasional hug or cuddle. Those were the dark days.

My mind kept telling me there was nothing to worry about; he hadn't had one of those days in so long I'd begun to think he was better. The odds that he was having one today: well they were so low I wanted to absolutely ignore that possibility. I wanted to think that he was still curled up in his bed, blanket pulled over his head, sound asleep as his alarm went off for the fifth time in a futile attempt to awaken him. The picture was so clearly painted in my head it might as well have been a real photograph.

A tug at my gut made me think otherwise. Yuuri had gone to bed fairly early the previous night: I knew that much as I had barged in to ask him a question only to find him under the covers. So early, in fact, it had almost seemed strange to me, though, once again, my mind pushed once more to deceive me into thinking of an excuse for such an action. It was this fact that kept me from concluding he was still sleeping, pushing the thought so deep into my mind it might as well have been demolished.

Lips tightening, I began to make my way over to the opening in the ice border. The action, though performed thousands of times, felt unnatural, wrong. Immediate red flags popped up in my head, and I quickened my pace.

It hadn't taken any longer than 5 minutes to unlace my skates and gather my belongings. Making sure to lock the door behind me, i slowly made my way down the ice castle stairs. Though it was later in the winter, the world seemed to be moving at a turtle's pace, as the air was just beginning to enter the process of transitioning from warm to cool. The town had already awakened and was well into its day, cars speeding by accompanied by the chatter of pedestrians. As I reached the bottom of the stairs and spotted my bike leaned up against the wall, my mind began to wander once more. The bike....the bike...had I ridden the bike here today? I rubbed my eyes and stared at the slightly-rusted frame. I couldn't quite reach the answer to that question and it was driving me insane?

Had I ridden the bike today?

Tugging at a loose strand of hair, I lightly shook my head and made my way over. Didn't matter if I had or hadn't. It was here, which meant it had to get back to the hot springs somehow. Maybe I'd left it here yesterday, maybe it'd been here the entire weekend. At the end of the day, it was a bike, and it needed to be ridden. 

Usually a ride through Hasetsu would brighten up my mood, taking in the long sparking ocean and enjoying the quaint feeling it brought to my otherwise hectic schedule.

Today it just felt gray. Wrong. And long. So so long.

The truth was that the ride wasn't that long at all: What was a 2o minute walk was slimmed down to ten enjoyable minutes of ocean breeze sweeping through my hair and the lovely smell of the local vendors selling their goods. Nothing had changed today; that wind still whipped my platinum hair and I could faintly make out the scent of the stands not too far away...but they didn't bring that warm feeling to my chest as they usually did. They no longer induced the feeling of home. This lack of hearth wasn't what kept me distracted; it was the growing jab at my stomach that almost made me feel sick.

"I don't feel too good....something's not right. What's changed?" I couldn't think of anything different in that moment, not anything that would constitute this growing fear. I could feel my heartbeat begin to rise as I rounded the corner that would lead me to the street where Katsuki-Topia would be on. The wind picked up as I spotted the sign way off in the distance. The tugging at my stomach grew and grew to the point where I was surprised it didn't just rip through my skin. My grip on the handle tightened as I turned into the parking lot and the front door came into view. I slowed to a stop and dismounted, letting the bike rest up against the wall, before gripping the handle and pulling the door open.

What I experienced next baffled me to the fullest.

Nothing. I experienced nothing. The welcoming scent of Japanese food that would pull a guest into the quaint house, the warm tones of the lights dancing off of the wood,  the faint music that would fall from the speakers, it was all gone. Now it was all bathed in a cold bleak gray, so silent the drop of a noodle could have been heard, dead inside. I pursed my lips. I knew that the hot springs inn was currently closed due to the rest of the Katsuki Family being away to visit family but...never before had it felt this empty. It had been a few days now since the home was left under Yuuri and I's care,  and up until just then it had always felt homey. Maybe it was a bit much, juggling practice with keeping the inn but with no customers it had been so easy.

I bit my lip. Why was it so quiet? This felt off. Setting my bag down on the floor, I slowly made my way into the main common room.



Alright look I want to finish this but I legitimately forgot where I was going with it and I hate it anyways so I'm going to leave the ending up to imagination.  Boom. Done.

Don't worry, there will be some actual fluffy content coming soon....hopefully.

In the meantime... here have this unfinished one shot.

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