"You really are an idiot..." (Victuuri)

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Context for this story: This takes place in St. Petersburg. As of right now, Yuuri is staying in a hotel while Victor prepares his apartment for Yuuri to move in. That's all; it's not all that important to the story anyways, but I thought it needed to be said.



11:32 pm

Victor: Yuuri...

Victor: Yuuri are you awake? 

11:42 pm

Victor: ...Yuuri?

Victor: ...

11:50 pm

Victor: I'm sorry for bothering you.

Victor: ...you're probably just asleep: you did have a tough practice today.

Victor: ...

Victor: I'll let you sleep.

1:16 am

Victor: ...please....I need you....

Victor: Yuuri...it's getting worse...they won't stop calling and yelling and it's getting worse...

1:23 am



Victor: They told me never to come back and that they hated me and that they wish I were dead...why do they hate me??

Victor: ...

Victor: ...

3:35 am

Victor: You're not going to answer...are you?

Victor: ...

3:42 am

Victor: I'm sorry for bothering you.

Victor: ...

3:55 am

Victor: ...I'm sorry.

8:34 am

Victor...is everything ok?

Please answer me.


Ok I'm coming over.

Please...just stay calm and wait for me.

"What did he mean by 'I'm sorry'?" Yuuri's mind hurt, throbbed, screamed as he raced down the bleak gray day in St. Petersburg. Seagulls called over the light breeze, talking amongst their own breed. Waves crashed somewhere in the distance. Cars rushed past at different speeds, each one splashing drops of murky rainwater onto Yuuri's blue coat, leaving darkened splotches. The Japanese man didn't notice, eyes fixed on the towering apartment building ahead, the one that looked as if it were made of glass, that mirrored the gray world surrounding it. His gaze was locked on the 21st floor, a skill he had undoubtedly acquired on his numerous trips to said building up to said floor.

Yuri!!! On Ice Oneshots (Mostly Victuuri and Otayuri)Where stories live. Discover now