Chapter Two - Robbery

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Days after his visit to Artemis and Wally's home, Aizawa was doing a night time patrol in Musutafu. As he conducted his search, Aizawa gets reports of a bank robbery happening nearby. 

Aizawa: Hhm....

With that, Aizawa began making his way to bank. Meanwhile, Intergang was robbing a bank. Led by Bruno Mannheim and his lieutenant Whisper A'Daire, Intergang rounded up all the bank employees. 

Ugly: All right, everyone! We're making a direct deposit today! Make a move and you're dead!

Intergang Thug:  You heard the boss! On the fucking ground!

As the bank employees were rounded up, Aizawa snuck inside the bank. Perched on the rafters, he surveyed the room. He saw multiple Intergang thugs carrying Apokoliptan technology based weapons. He remembered how Superboy encountered this technology from the very same gang. 

Aizawa: (I need to be smart about this.)

Aizawa then spots a thug isolated from the group. He makes his way to the thug and uses his Combat Scarves to latch onto the thug.

Intergang Thug: What the fuck?! HEY! GET OFF OF ME!

As Aizawa pulls the thug towards him, the thug discharges his Apokoliptan weapon, alerting Ugly and Whisper as well as the rest of the thugs. 

Whisper: What the hell?! I thought the Pros were busy!

Ugly looks around and sees a shadow moving up the rafters. 

Ugly: Looks like we got an uninvited guest. Fire on the rafters!

Without hesitation, the Intergang thugs began firing on the shadow. Aizawa dodged and weaved through the blaster fire. 

Aizawa: (This isn't good!)

As Aizawa dodges the gunfire, he drops down from the rafters and begin attacking the thugs. As he takes two of them down, Aizawa then dashes for cover behind a stone column.

Ugly: That wasn't very smart of you, Hero. Up there, at least you had the high ground. Down here though, you're on the same level as us. Whisper? Take care of this Hero. 

Whisper: On it, Ugly. 

Whisper and two Intergang Thugs readied their weapons and began to flank around the stone column. In the chaos, Aizawa climbs up the column. When the two thugs flank the column, they see that Aizawa is nowhere to be seen.

Whisper: You've got to be kidding me! Ugly! The Hero's gone! 

Ugly: He couldn't have gone far! Fan out boys! He's around here somewhere! 

Intergang Thug: He could be anywhere! Where the fuck did he go?! 

Whisper readies her Apokoliptan wristbands and keeps her guard up. As Whisper leads the search, Ugly leads a group of Intergang thugs to load up the money. Aizawa decides that the stealth approach was the best way to deal with Intergang. 

Intergang Thug:  He has to be gone! He must be too scared to face us!

Whisper: Oh he ain't gone. He's around here somewhere, waiting for the right time to strike. If you see anything move, shoot it.

Using stealth, Aizawa begins to take down the Intergang thugs one by one. It wasn't long for Whisper to notice that the room became too quiet. She soon found herself alone with one other Intergang thug. 

Intergang Thug: Are you serious?! How the fuck did one guy take out all our guys?! We have to get out of here!

Suddenly, a bright light was seen on the rafters. From the light a shadow with the appearance of Aizawa was seen. Without hesitation, the thug fired his Apokoliptan blaster cannon at the figure. The spotlight was destroyed and the figure falls from the rafters.

Intergang Thug: Holy shit! I can't believe we got him!

Whisper walks to the figure and discovers that it was a mannequin. Upon making this discovery, Aizawa ambushes Whisper and the last thug. 

Intergang Thug: Son of a bitch!

The Intergang thug was quickly taken out by Aizawa. As Aizawa moves on Whisper, she attacks him with the long red energy whips of her wristbands. Aizawa was able to dodge her attacks. 

Whisper: Stand still, you bastard!

As Aizawa closes in on Whisper, he lands a solid punch on her. When he does, Whisper's body disintegrated into a mud-like substance. Recognizing this from the Vanguard Action Squad's attack on the Quirk Training Camp, Aizawa quickly moves in on Ugly. As the thugs attack Aizawa, Aizawa was able to take them down without much effort. When he corners Ugly, Ugly remains unfazed. 

Ugly: You're early. 

Aizawa: I know you're working with the League Of Villains. Come along quietly and we'll go easy on you. 

Ugly: Funny joke, Hero. A shame you had to bust up our little heist, but we got what we wanted in the long run. 

As Ugly finishes his sentence, his body disintegrated into the same mud-like substance as Whisper. With Ugly gone, the bank was cleared of any threats. With the safety of the hostages secured, Aizawa left the bank. Despite this victory, Aizawa was deeply concerned. It was clear that not only was the League Of Villains working with Intergang, but the bank robbery was only a diversion for something else. 

Aizawa: This isn't good. If the League Of Villains gets access to Apokoliptan technology, there's no telling what kind of damage they'll do. 

With that, Aizawa found more and more connections between All For One and Vandal Savage. Much to his frustration, there was no leads for him to follow. What Aizawa didn't know was that an opportunity would soon arise. However, this opportunity would prove to be the biggest challenge that Aizawa would ever face. This opportunity would put his resolve and his spirit to the very limit. 

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