Chapter Seven - Giran

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After making all his preparations, Aizawa rendezvous with Sportsmaster and Cheshire outside the warehouse. 

Sportsmaster: About time, Eraser. I was starting to think you bailed on our little arrangement.

Aizawa: Tell me about what we're getting into.

Sportsmaster: During our dealings with the League of Villains, we've met up with an information broker called Giran.

Aizawa: I know him. He's an associate of the League of Villains.

Cheshire: Then you know that he's a sly snake.

Aizawa: Tell me more about your interactions with Giran.

Sportsmaster: Whenever we were sent to meet with the League of Villains, we always have to meet with Giran. He's the one who pointed us in the direction of where the League was hiding out. We never met with Shigaraki or the others in the same place.

As Sportsmaster said all of this, Aizawa saw a promising lead. He knew about Giran's association with the League of Villains. He also knew that Giran would no doubt be a rich source of information. If he got Giran to talk, then he could potentially get closer to All For One and the Light.

Aizawa: You know where he's hiding?

Sportsmaster: As a matter of fact, I do. While the League tend to move around from hideout to hideout, Giran's got a cozy little place up in Kamino Ward in Japan. 

Aizawa: Then let's get a move on. 

With that, Aizawa followed Sportsmaster and Cheshire to a helicopter they used to get to Gotham. They then travel to Japan and make their way to Kamino Ward. Once they reach Kamino Ward, they proceed on foot to Giran's office. They soon find themselves on a rooftop overlooking the office building. 

Sportsmaster: Cheshire and I will proceed inside. You find a way inside without making too much noise. I'll get the bastard talking. 

With that, Sportsmaster and Cheshire make their way inside Giran's office building while Aizawa proceeds to infiltrate the office building. When Sportsmaster and Cheshire enter the office, they were greeted by Giran. 

Giran: Sportsmaster as I live and breathe! I haven't seen you since Santa Prisca! I heard you and the Light had a falling out. 

Sportsmaster: And how would you know that? 

Giran: You and I both know that I have my sources. It's my job to know these things. 

Sportsmaster: Then we can skip the formalities. I need a favor. 

Giran: Ask away. 

Sportsmaster: I want you to tell me where the League of Villains are. 

As Sportsmaster says this, Giran fell silent. After a moment, Giran chuckles. 

Giran: Now why would you want to know where the League is? 

Sportsmaster: It's nothing you need to worry about. Tell me where the League is and we'll be even.

Giran: I'm afraid I can't do that. I've been warned about some very important people that you might be on the warpath after what Aqualad did to your daughter. And I never took you for a family man. 

Sportsmaster: I'm not. Black Manta had my daughter killed without my permission. As a professional, you know I can't allow that to go unpunished. 

Giran: My sincerest apologies, my friend. But I'm afraid I can't tell you where the League is. As a professional, you know that nature of our business. And I only make deals with people I respect. Not guys who kick the crap outta me first. Sure, I might know the League. Might not. But if I tell you where the League is when we have a healthy working relationship, how would that make me look? What kind of merchant sells out his own customers?

It was at this moment that Sportsmaster and Cheshire began brandishing their weapons at Giran in an attempt to intimidate him, but Giran is unfazed. 

Giran: Intimidation? Really, Crusher? I thought you were smarter than this. 

Sportsmaster: Here's what's gonna happen, Giran. You're gonna tell me where the League or I'm gonna kill you. Plain and simple. 

Despite having weapons aimed at him, Giran remained calm and composed as he simply flicks his toothpick on the floor. 

Giran: You're on thin ice, Crusher. You're lucky the Light let you walk away. If you keep poking the bear, the bear's eventually gonna wake up and maul your ass. 

Sportsmaster: I've got a reputation to uphold. And if I have to fight the entire Light to do it, so be it. 

Giran simply sighs as he calmly walks to his desk. Sportsmaster and Cheshire kept their weapons trained on Giran. 

Giran: You keep walking down this road and you're not gonna like what you find waiting for you. 

Suddenly, Aizawa crashes down from the ceiling and attacks Giran. Giran was caught off guard as he grabs Giran by his coat. 

Giran: Goddammit, Crusher! You led a fucking Pro Hero to my business!

Aizawa: Talk! Where's the League?!

Giran: Your act doesn't scare me, Eraser. I know your types. I ain't done nothing you haven't before!

Aizawa then throws Giran onto his desk. As Aizawa walks towards Giran, he feels something latch onto his leg. It suddenly begins pulling him outside. He soon finds himself suspended upside down on a streetlight. He sees the infamous Deathstroke ready to cut him down with his sword. Aizawa was able to grab the sword and cut himself free. As Aizawa gets back on his feet, he is shot at by arrows. Aizawa rolls out of the way as he sees a black haired young woman wearing a predominantly burnt orange and black costume, with a hard orange mask that covers her forehead, nose, and cheeks resembling a stylized tiger's face. 

Deathstroke: Your aim is off, Tigress. 

Tigress: He's a fast one. 

Deathstroke: It doesn't matter. He's cornered. 

As Aizawa gets into a defensive stance, Deathstroke and Tigress pace around him with their weapons ready. 

Deathstroke: It appears the game is over before it even begins, Eraserhead.

Aizawa: I'm not playing games, Slade. 

Deathstroke: You've been making more noise than the Light is comfortable with. Nothing personal. Just business. 

In that moment, Aizawa found himself cornered by Deathstroke and Tigress who appeared to be the Light's newest enforcers. Aizawa prepared himself for the fight of his life. 

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