Chapter Three - A Critical Mission

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After his encounter with Intergang, Aizawa continues to follow up any and all possible leads on both Vandal Savage and the League Of Villains. However, whatever leads he found were dead ends. It began to seem as if that no matter what he did, Vandal Savage and All For One always seemed one step ahead of him at all times. One day as he continues in investigation in Japan, he is approached by Nightwing. 

Aizawa: Grayson. 

Nightwing: Mr. Aizawa. It's been awhile. Last time we worked together, I was still Robin. Have any luck with All For One? 

Aizawa: No. I had an encounter with Intergang some time ago. 

Nightwing: I heard. I heard they got away under suspicious circumstances. 

Aizawa: It's the League. When I cornered the leaders, they turned into mud. A Villain by the name of Twice can create clones of anybody. However, Twice needs to know the precise measurements and physical features of the person he replicates. Which means that the League Of Villains are planning something and Vandal Savage is involved. 

As Aizawa said this, it became clear to Nightwing that the Light and the League Of Villains were plotting something. 

Nightwing: With all that's been happening with the League, we need to know about what the Light is planning now more than ever. And however All For One fits into all this, it's not good. 

Aizawa: I've been trying to figure that out ever since the incident on the Watchtower. But with every lead I find, I find a dead end. All Might has been trying to help me make sense of it all, but we've found nothing. All For One is still locked up in Tartarus Prison and the League Of Villains are still in hiding. 

Nightwing: What about the raid on the Shie Hassaikai? 

Aizawa: We managed to shut down Overhaul's operations, but found no evidence of any involvement from the Light or the League. So at least neither of them have access to the Quirk Destroying Bullet.

Nightwing: That's good at least.

Aizawa: Why are you here?

Nightwing: Ferris Aircraft and the League are preparing to launch an Earth-Mars communication satellite in Cape Canaveral. We have a reason to believe something big is about to go down.

Aizawa: Why come to me personally? You could've contacted me.

Nightwing: Because Artemis is joining with us.

Upon hearing this, Aizawa was shocked. He remembered Artemis retiring from the Hero life to live quietly with Wally West. Aizawa became concerned. 

Aizawa: My daughter is retired. 

Nightwing: Artemis volunteered. She wanted to help. 

Aizawa felt something was off. It didn't make sense for Artemis to come out of retirement so suddenly.

Aizawa: What about West? 

Nightwing: He wasn't exactly thrilled about Artemis coming back to the life. But he didn't try to talk her out of it. 

Aizawa: I hope you know what you're doing, Grayson. My daughter is trying to live her life in peace. As her father, I'm not exactly thrilled about Artemis getting involved in this. 

Nightwing: Like I said, it was her call. I didn't want to get her involved, but with all that's happened, we need all the help we can get. The Light always seems to be one step ahead of us. This might be our chance to finally get a lead. 

As Nightwing said this, Aizawa still wasn't convinced. He knew something about all of this that was out of place. There was more to this than it appeared. However, he respected his daughter's decision despite his own personal feelings about the matter. What puzzled him even more was that Artemis never told him anything about this. 

Nightwing: I know this isn't ideal, but with everything that happened, we need every possible lead we can get. 

At this point, Aizawa took a moment to think about Nightwing's proposal. Up until this point, all leads relating to the Light and All For One had been dead end after dead end. He also thought about the possibility of the League Of Villains getting their hands on Apokoliptan technology. 

Aizawa: All right, Grayson. I'm in.

Nightwing: Glad to hear. It's been too long since we've teamed up. 

Aizawa: What exactly have you uncovered?

Nightwing: The Light has a new partner. They call themselves the Reach. 

Aizawa: I've heard of them on the news. Figured they were trouble. 

Nightwing: There's also something you should know. Kaldur....he's gone rogue. 

Upon hearing this, Aizawa was caught off guard at this news. To hear that Aqualad had turned rogue seemed unbelievable. 

Aizawa: What do you mean?

Nightwing: He found out his father was Black Manta. He...he didn't take the news well when he found out Aquaman kept that a secret. Not to mention that he blames us for what happened to Tula. Now he's working with Black Manta as an agent of the Light. 

Aizawa: This is unfortunate to hear. Kaldur was a gifted Hero. A shame that it had to come to this. 

Nightwing: Hopefully we can help him come to his senses before he does something he'll regret. But one thing at a time. We better get to the Cave. We've got a lot of planning to do. 

With that, Aizawa had accepted Nightwing's request to aid the Team in their mission to protect the satellite launch. However, Aizawa felt as if everything was out of place somehow. What Aizawa didn't know was that this particular mission would push Aizawa in ways that he never thought was possible. 

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