Chapter Five - The Pain Of Loss

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After the incident at Cape Canaveral, the Team were still recovering from the death of Artemis. The death of Artemis had deeply affected Aizawa. He felt that the death of his daughter was his fault. In the days that followed, Aizawa taken some time off to process his loss. His feelings of loss soon turned to anger. But the anger was not directed at Aqualad. It was directed to the Light as well as All For One. In his eyes, they were responsible for killing Artemis. At Artemis's funeral, Aizawa watched in silence as the service was carried out. The last time Aizawa felt this kind of sorrow was when his best friend Oboro Shirakumo had been killed in the line of duty. As everyone at the funeral mourned the loss of Artemis, the pain Aizawa felt was beyond words. When the service was over, all who attended paid their respects to Artemis at her gravestone, including members of the Team. Soon enough, the only ones left were Aizawa, Wally West and Paula Crock. As Wally wheeled Paula to the gravestone, both were consumed by grief. Paula began to weep at her daughter's gravestone while Wally looked on in silence. Aizawa soon approaches the two.

Paula: Shota. 

Aizawa: Paula. I'm...I'm sorry about Artemis. I...I did everything I could. But it wasn't good enough.

Paula: This has been the hardest two days of my life. Harder than prison. Than losing the use of my legs. Than losing Jade to the life....

It was at this moment that the guilt he felt about the death of Artemis took over as tears began to fall from Aizawa's eyes.

Aizawa: It's my fault Artemis died. She was killed on my watch. I....I should've protected her. 

Wally: There was nothing you could've done. What happened to Artemis wasn't your fault.

Aizawa: The hell it is. She was my daughter and I failed her. My failure cost Artemis her life. 

Paula: Artemis's death has been hard on us all. I...I don't blame you for what happened. You can't blame yourself for what happened. I know you did everything in your power to protect her. 

As Paula attempts to console Aizawa, Wally looked on in silence. Aizawa glanced over to Artemis's gravestone. He thought about all the years he wasn't there for her. He walked to the gravestone and dropped to his knees. 

Aizawa: I'm...I'm sorry, Artemis. 

As Aizawa mourned the loss of his daughter, he lets out his pain and sorrow out, crying before Artemis's grave. Days after the funeral all the way in Japan, the students of UA's Class 1-A were waiting for class to start. Two days prior, Aizawa had been absent and they learned under a substitute teacher. They all had knew about Artemis and her death. As they waited for class to start, Aizawa enters the classroom. 

Aizawa: Hello, class. I have an announcement to make. As many of you have heard, my daughter Artemis was killed in the line of duty. Because of that, I needed to take some time off to cope with my grief. That is why as of now, I will be taking an extended leave of absence indefinitely.

Upon hearing this, all of Class 1-A was shocked. However, they all completely understood the reason why Aizawa came to this decision. 

Aizawa: I have spoken with Principal Nezu on this. We have decided that Midnight will be taking over my duties as your homeroom teacher until I return. Treat her with the same respect that you with me. Thank you. 

With that, Aizawa leaves the classroom. As he was about to walk out of UA, he is approached by Present Mic. 

Present Mic: How're you holding up, Shota? 

Aizawa: Worse than when Oboro died. 

Present Mic: If you need someone to talk to, I'm here for ya, buddy.

Aizawa: Thanks, Hizashi. But there's things I have to take care of. 

With that, Aizawa said goodbye to his old friend and walked out of UA. He then took a Zeta Tube to Gotham City and began his investigation. He decided that he would conduct his investigation alone, working with the Justice League and the Team whenever necessary. For Aizawa, this mission was a personal one. As he made his way to an old apartment complex, he was approached by Sportsmaster and Cheshire. 

Aizawa: What the hell do you want?

Sportsmaster: Don't be so hostile, Hero. 

Aizawa: You better have a good reason for this, Sportsmaster. I am five seconds away from beating you to death.

Sportsmaster: Big talk coming from a man who couldn't protect his own. Say all you want about me, but I'd never let my blood get killed like that on my watch.

Sportsmaster's words deeply enraged Aizawa as he clenched his fists. 

Aizawa: Let me get one thing straight. You're scum. You're the worst kind of scum. Artemis deserved better than a son of a bitch like you raising her. 

Sportsmaster: As much as I'd like to take you out, I've got a proposition for you. You and me want the same thing. We want payback. 

Cheshire: But make no mistake. Aqualad is mine and I don't intend to see him thrown behind bars. 

Aizawa: Kaldur is the responsibility of the Team. I'm not after Kaldur. I'm after the ones behind Artemis's death. I'm after the Light. I'm after All For One.

Sportsmaster: Guess you and I have something in common. Let's just say the Light and I had a bit of a falling out. Looks like we need each other.

In that moment, Aizawa had potentially found the perfect lead for his investigation. Sportsmaster and Cheshire were direct associates of the Light and All For One. But taking advantage of this lead meant working with the man who robbed his daughter of her childhood. As quickly as it began, Aizawa's investigation would force Aizawa to make some difficult choices. 

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