Chapter Eighteen - The Enemy Of My Enemy

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After breaking up the alliance between the Light and the Reach, Aizawa and the Team moved to undo the damage caused by both the Light and the Reach. Superboy and Miss Martian travel to the planet of Rimbor to present evidence that proves the Justice League's innocence. At the same time, Aqualad along with Blue Beetle and Green Beetle attacked the Reach Flagship. While they were able to defeat Black Beetle, the group had uncovered a plan by the Reach to destroy the Earth in order to erase all evidence of Reach tampering there. In the Watchtower, Aizawa along Captain Atom, Blue Beetle, Nightwing, the Atom and Aqualad watch news reports of natural disasters occurring all around the world. It became clear that this was the plot Blue Beetle had uncovered. 

Captain Atom: The natural disasters have escalated. The rest of the League is spread thin, saving lives across the globe.

Blue Beetle: It's Black Beetle's MFD's. The Magnetic Field Disrupters the Reach seeded at multiple locations across the Earth. They're causing a deterioration of the planet's magnetic field, which in turn is causing these not-so-natural disasters. I can locate all the MFD's, but each is defended by beetle tech drones programmed to run interference until the MFD can build up enough steam to go chrysalis and end the world.

Captain Atom: So how do we shut them down? 

Blue Beetle: I don't know. Because Black Beetle didn't know. There's no failsafe. This was an endgame.

Suddenly, the discussion is interrupted by an incoming transmission from United Nations Secretary General Tseng, which, to everyone's surprise, was initiated by Lex Luthor. 

Aizawa: Luthor....

Luthor(Transmission): Secretary Tseng was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency, as I have a possible solution to our mutual problem.

Aizawa: A problem created by you and the Light when they collaborated to bring the Reach to Earth.

Luthor(Transmission): Perhaps. But as I believe you know, the Light always planned to betray the Reach. Lexcorp has developed anti-Reach software, A virus that should disable their Magnetic Field Disrupters. Now, I believe time is of the essence.

Aizawa: Why should we trust you? 

Luthor(Transmission): Think rationally, Aizawa. Sabotaging your efforts to safe the Earth would gain me nothing. In fact, it would doom me just as it would doom you. And as much as I would enjoy the poetic irony in that, I'd rather do it on my own terms. In fact, as a token of good will, I have already sent a shipment of anti-Reach software to UA High. 

Upon hearing this, Aizawa was stunned. Despite this, Aizawa maintained his composure. 

Aizawa: How kind of you. Don't think that changes anything. 

Luthor(Transmission): I don't expect it to. Tell me, have you ever heard the old saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", Aizawa. Well I'd say this situation is fitting of that old saying, don't you think?

Aizawa: I'm not falling for your games, Luthor. I know this is just a matter of self preservation. Once the matter of the Reach is over, I'm coming after you and your cohorts. You will tell me about All For One and what's he's plotting. 

As Aizawa said this, there was a moment of silence. Soon enough, Luthor spoke. 

Luthor(Transmission): I'm sure you will, Aizawa. But for now, I think you have more....pressing matters to attend to. On behalf of the world, I wish you good luck. 

As the transmission ended, Aizawa and the others were processing what had just happened. 

Aizawa: I don't like this. 

Nightwing: I know. But if there's anything that we can count on, it's that Lex Luthor's sense of self preservation will always win out. 

Aizawa: That may be, but I still don't don't him. 

With that, it became clear that all Heroes were needed to stop the Reach's plan to destroy the Earth. Meanwhile in Japan, the country was being rocked with Earthquakes. Across the country, the Pro Heroes worked tirelessly to protect the people of Japan. In an undisclosed location, Shigaraki and the League of Villains watched the chaos unfold before them. 

Toga: Whoa! Those Reach guys really are tearing the place up!

Twice: I KNEW WE SHOULDN'T HAVE TRUSTED THOSE ALIENS! Good thing our Light pals already stabbed them in the backs!

Dabi: Looks like the Pro Heroes will have their hands full. The Light too. Now would be a good time to make our move.

As Dabi said this, Shigaraki looked upon the chaos that was unfolding before his eyes. He knew that now would be a perfect time to attack. However, Shigaraki simply turned to his fellow Villains. 

Shigaraki: We'll let the Heroes run themselves ragged. Let them try and save as much people as they can. And then....we'll show them just how worthless their society is....

With that, the League of Villains would remain in the sidelines, biding their time. Meanwhile in Tartarus Prison, the inmates were restless as the guards remained at their post. They had set in place several contingency plans in the case of a massive prison riot. In his cell, All For One sat calmly. The guards monitoring his cell kept an especially close eye on All For One, ready to neutralize him should he attempt to make an escape. As for All For One, he simply sat still with a smile on his face. 

All For One: Let the games begin....

In that moment, All For One would sit in his cell, biding his time until the time was right. 

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