Chapter Nine - Interrogation

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After their encounter with Deathstroke and Tigress, Aizawa along with Sportsmaster and Cheshire made their way back to Giran's office whee Giran was tied to his office chair.

Sportsmaster: Now then, Giran. Where were we?

Giran: You're making a big mistake, Crusher. You of all people should know that messing with both the Light and the League of Villains is a bad idea.

As Giran says this, Sportsmaster punches him in the face, knocking him and the chair to the ground. Sportsmaster then picks the chair and sets it back up.

Aizawa: All I want is the location of All For One.

Giran: Don't you already know? He's locked up nice and cozy over in Tartarus prison.

Aizawa: Then allow me to rephrase my question. Where are his associates? The League, the Light, all of them.

As Aizawa questions Giran, the information broker chuckles.

Giran: Don't you morons get it? If you think your little good cop bad cop routine intimidates me, you clearly don't know anything about the Light. I have nothing to gain by talking to you.

At this point, Aizawa becomes frustrated. He knew Giran had information on the Light. Any time wasted was time Artemis's killers would walk free to carry out their plans. Without saying a word, Aizawa walks to the window in Giran's office and breaks it. Aizawa then picks up a shard of glass.

Aizawa: Think about what you have to lose.

Aizawa then breaks the shard in two and sticks the shard in Giran's mouth. Aizawa then begins punching Giran in the face, cutting the shards of glass in his mouth and cutting it. Aizawa punches Giran a few more times before he stops. Giran then begins spitting out blood.

Sportsmaster: Feeling chatty now? We can do this all day. We got plenty of windows.

Aizawa: Or you can give us what we want, and we guarantee your safety. No one will know you talked.

Giran takes a moment to spit out the remaining pieces of glass from his mouth, spitting out blood in the process. At this point, Aizawa has a moment of self reflection. Under normal circumstances, Aizawa would never resort to torture. But at this point, Aizawa wanted to catch Artemis's killers and put an end to their plot whatever it may be.

Giran: In this line of work, there's a code. I'm an information broker. Someone comes to me for information, I give them it. As a result, I am obligated to not reveal any of my client information to anyone unless certain....circumstances forces my hand.

At this point, Cheshire pulls out one of her sais and presses it against Giran's neck.

Cheshire: My sister is dead because of Aqualad! Do you believe in an eye for an eye?!

Giran: You have my condolences, Cheshire. You and Aizawa both. I know how much Artemis meant to you both. But my hands are tied here.

At this point, Cheshire was getting ready to plunge her sai into Giran's throat. Aizawa pulls her away.

Aizawa: Let me handle this.

Without warning, Aizawa kicks Giran to the ground. Giran coughs as Aizawa lifts him up by his shirt.

Aizawa: I'm through playing games, Giran! Tell me what I want to know or I'll put an end to your operations....permanently.

Giran:'re bluffing. Heroes don't kill. It's against their code.

Without saying a word, Aizawa picks up Giran and throws him over his desk. Aizawa then walks over to Giran  and places his foot against Giran's throat.

Aizawa: You know, you can bleed to death without ever spilling a drop. All from the inside. Tell me what I want to know or I start breaking bones.

As Aizawa applies pressure on Giran's neck, the information broker looked into Aizawa's eyes. Giran could feel himself being choked. In Aizawa's eyes, there was no sign of hesitation. It seemed as though he would carry out his threat. After a moment, Giran seemingly relents.

Giran: Okay! Okay! I'll talk!

Cheshire: Why the change of heart?

Giran: As I said, I only reveal a client's information under certain circumstances.

Aizawa: Talk! Now!

Giran: The Light has a safehouse on Okinawa. Word has it is that Black Manta is refueling there.

Aizawa: What about All For One and the League?

Giran: Dabi and Toga are overseeing this operation.

Aizawa: You better not be lying or else I'm coming back.

Giran: I won't warn the Light or the League about this...meeting. Now get the hell out of my office.

With that, Aizawa along with Sportsmaster and Cheshire left Giran's office. Once they were gone, the wounded Giran pulls out his cellphone.

Giran: Hey. It's me. Tell All For One that his....suggestion has been followed. Thank you.

Giran then hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath. Meanwhile outside Giran's building, Sportsmaster chuckles. 

Sportsmaster: Not a bad performance in there, Eraser. Didn't think you had it in you. 

Aizawa: Don't push it, Sportsmaster. 

Sportsmaster: You did more damage to Giran than I did. You handle like a Pro.

Aizawa: Keep antagonizing me and I'll do to you what I was about to do to Giran. The only difference will be that I'll enjoy it. 

Sportsmaster: Promises promises, Eraser. 

As Sportsmaster went ahead, Cheshire spoke with Aizawa. 

Cheshire: You should've let me killed that bastard. 

Aizawa: Giran's an information broker. Killing him would've set us both back. 

Cheshire: It looked like you were getting ready to kill him. 

Aizawa didn't want to admit it, but Cheshire was right. In that moment, Aizawa would've broken every bone in Giran's body. If Giran hadn't talked, Aizawa would've carried out his threat. 

Aizawa: Let's keep moving. We need to get to Okinawa as soon as possible. 

With that, Aizawa along with Sportsmaster and Cheshire made their way to a Zeta Tube that would take them to Okinawa. Aizawa overrides the Zeta Tube to allow Sportsmaster and Cheshire access to the Zeta Tube. As they made used the Zeta Tube, Aizawa would take a moment to reflect on his own actions. For now, all Aizawa could do was press forward.  

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