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On my way to the science building, I pass the baseball field and instantly feel uneasy. I remember the change in his eyes when I slapped him. Scary. A hand grabs my shoulders and forces me to turn around. I want to scream but my voice has vanished. It's that baseball player! He came back to finish what he started! I try to run but my feet fail me.

"You owe me a kiss," he purrs in my ear, then he adds, "And I owe you a slap across the face."

"Zelda," Link says, suddenly standing next to us.

"Link!" I cry and fall into his arms.

I'm so glad he's here! I feel much better in his presence. My arms snake around his back and I press my head against his chest. I don't want him to leave again.

"Zelda," Link whispers and I slowly open my eyes. My room is pitch black and the rain is still drumming against the windows. It takes me a second to realize that I was dreaming. I'm hugging Terrako, the plush animal Impa won for me years back; an egg-shaped robot with three legs and one big eye. I hug it tightly and shut my eyes. I'm so tired, my eyes feel too heavy to stay open.

The baseball field... Link... Our hug loosens and I look up at him, grateful that he came when I needed him. His thumb wipes my tears and I want to just kiss his cheek and keep hugging him.

"Link," I whisper and bring my lips to his but the dream fades away again before we kiss.

Link nudges me a little and I open my eyes. Barely. I hope I didn't talk in my sleep. Link is kneeling by my bedside, trying to wake me up. I forgot that he's still here. When did I fall asleep? I'm so confused and too tired to think about it.

"Zelda," he says again, his hand on my shoulder.

"The lights are off, I think your dad is finally asleep," he says in a low voice.

"What time...." I mumble, too tired to even finish the question.

"It's 2 A.M."

"Mh..." I shut my eyes again.

My bed has never felt this comfortable.

"I'll go now, okay?"


"Where did you put my shoes?"

"Zelda?" He says again after I don't answer.

I hear him sneaking around the room until he finds his shoes next to the closet. He comes back and kneels by my bedside again but I don't open my eyes.

"I hope you're dreaming about something good right now," he says in the softest and quietest voice. "Maybe you're dreaming about Machu Picchu or about the pier with Impa."

Why is he so sweet?

He stands up slowly but my hand reaches for his t-shirt before he can walk away.

"Link," I whisper half asleep and find his hand with my eyes closed.

"Hm?" He comes closer again, our hands interlock.


✤ ✤ ✤

I wake up to the sound of birds. It's still dark in my room, but I can see a thin stream of sun rays leaking through the gap in the curtains. It must be shortly before 7 A.M. since my alarm hasn't rung yet. I look to my side; next to my bed sits Link fast asleep, leaning against the nightstand. A quiet gasp escapes my lips when I see our hands are laced together. I take my hand back, careful not to wake him. Pain radiating from my shoulder suggests that we have been holding hands all night. How did that happen? I try to remember last night, but other than him looking for his shoes, I don't recall much.

Breath of the Wild College AU fanfic │Thinking About YouWhere stories live. Discover now