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"You look funny," Link comments on my stance. My bottom hurts from falling on it and my legs feel sore after thirty minutes of ice skating. "You really are unathletic." As if I didn't know that already.

"Shush," I glower and fall down again. Link tries to catch me but ends up taking the dive with me.

"Even that kid is better than you," he laughs, pointing at a little three-year-old.


"It's true though."

"I don't want to hear about it," I pout. "We've been at it for 3 hours now. I'm tired."

"It's been 10 minutes. But sure, wanna grab a bite?"

"It's been 30, and we had breakfast less than an hour ago."

"I'm hungry."

"You're always hungry."

Link helps me to get up from the ice and guides me out of the rink. My phone rings while we're walking through the cute little town. It's Impa...

"You're up early," I tease her.

"Found your note."

"I didn't hide it."

"I'm just saying, I read it."

"I know. I was being sarcastic. Are you meeting us in town?"

"Nah, I'm going skiing."

"The others already left," I inform her.

"That's fine. I like to go by myself anyway. I ski off-piste."

"Oh, okay. Don't be reckless."

"Hm, maybe."


"Kidding. I'll be safe, don't worry. What are you guys going to do all day?"

I look at the Christmas decorations in the windows that Link and I are passing. "Just walking around," I shrug. It sounds lame but this town is adorable and the people here are really friendly so it's a fun activity to just explore all the little stores. The only downside is the cold. The air is much crisper up here and it's hurting my nose.

"Why aren't you guys on the slopes?" Impa ask.

"I'm not going to have this conversation again. Enjoy your day and please call me if you need me. I'll keep my phone on volume."

"See you tonight," she chants and hangs up the phone.

As I push my phone back into my coat pocket, Link's hand interlocks with my free hand, and I instinctively pull away, eyes wide and rigid.

"Sorry," he mutters. "Thought... You know, no one knows us here, so we could..."

"No, I'm sorry!" I quickly take his hand into mine. I'm so paranoid that I wince at such a simple gesture. "I'm just not used to holding your hand in public. But you're right, nobody cares about us here. We don't have to hide our relationship as long as Mipha and Sidon are gone skiing."


Did I say relationship?!

"I mean, you know, our, our, well, our person to person relationship, association is the word." What is wrong with me? "Our alliance. Our--our affiliation?" I stutter foolishly. He kisses me to stop me from embarrassing myself any further. "Hey, I said no kissing!"

"We both know that's not going to work," he says with a smug expression, brushing his cold thumb over my cheek. He has never kissed me in public like this. He probably only did it to make me shut up, but still... There are people walking past us. He just kissed me in front of all of these strangers. He places his icy hands on my flushed cheeks.

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