We Probably Shouldn't Be Doing This

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(My chapter titles keep getting longer,,, help)

The sounds of seagulls and cars passing by wake me up. Feeling just as crappy as last night I sit up and rub my eyes awake. They're still sore around the corners, as is my nose, and my throat is dry. The sun has just come up, it must be around 7 AM. Messy hair, stiff shoulders. I was freezing all night and kept waking up shivering, not even from the night's temperature, I was just cold on the inside.

I search the backseat for my phone, only for a second until I realize that I don't have a phone anymore. Can't even check the time... I climb out of my car and stretch myself, looking over the calm coast.

Images of last night flash through my mind. Did that really happen? Did I really leave? What now? It's Friday, should I go to school? What else am I going to do? No need to butcher my grades any further.

Now that I am detaching myself from Father, I am going to study biology and if he decides to abuse his powers as the president to change my major then I will just transfer to a different university. Maybe Connecticut or Massachusetts. Perhaps New York? No, I can't leave Impa and Link. I'd be lost without them. But that is really just an excuse. The truth is, I'd be way too scared to move somewhere all by myself.

I sit down in the driver's seat and as I go through my backpack I come to the conclusion that I didn't pack wisely. No change of clothes, no toothpaste, not even a hairbrush. I should stop at Walmart on my way to school.

I'm scared to look in the mirror... But I have to. I have to see if it's still there... My hand moves to the rear-view mirror and tilts it toward my neck.


I change into Mother's sweatshirt and apply some concealer on the bruise. I hate Karusa. I hate him and his sick friends.

When I turn my car on, the display shows 7.30 AM. Just enough time to go to Walmart before my Psychology course. I'm so nervous about PE though. I wonder if Link will talk to me or if he'll be upset that I stood him up last night. I'll have to come up with some way to explain what happened without lying but without including Karusa or the fact that I ran away from home.

Am I homeless now? It's not like I don't have a house to sleep at, I just don't want to go there. Still, I can't sleep in my car again. I could use my credit card to book a hotel. Maybe not. Father would be able to track that and I'm really not in the mood to be followed again. I don't want him to know where I am or what I'm up to. I want to disappear from his radar.

What an audacious man. I regret not screaming at his face what a failure of a father he is. I am so mad at him! He tracked me, called me a slut, and threatened to take away the one thing I've been working for all my life.


I was able to get a toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, cleansing wipes, and some coffee before class started and now I'm just trying to survive the day. I haven't seen Father yet and I'm on my way to my last class for the week. If he was trying to find me he would have been waiting in front of my psychology lecture hall or my German course. While I'm relieved that he wasn't waiting by the doors I am also disappointed.

My mind kept drifting off and I nearly fell asleep during German. I don't think I paid attention to a single word the professor uttered. I'll just watch the recording tonight. I have to figure out where to stay. Maybe a hotel after all? I could see if they take cash. I will do anything to avoid Father tracking me any more than he already has.

But even so, I'll need something more permanent than a hotel room. If I am being serious about this, and I think I am, even though it scares me, I may need to look into getting an apartment. The same problems apply. If I use my credit card, Father will know where I live and possibly try to get the landlord to throw me out. I'm expecting the worst.

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