Just Friends

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Today I feel more awake and content than I have all week. Possibly because it is Friday and I am looking forward to seeing Impa tonight. If Link had his own apartment I would visit him afterward but he lives in a house full of intoxicated minors. That reminds me, we still haven't made any plans for the weekend.

I minimize my notes and open iMessage on my laptop to text Link. I will see him in a few minutes in PE but we won't be able to talk face to face.

*Ideas for tomorrow?* I text him.

"We're already out of time, this lecture always feels too short," the professor says sweetly. I like her class but I can't wait to get out of here and watch Link play field hockey.

I raise my hand while a few students begin to close their laptops and notebooks.

"Yes, Miss Hyrule?" the professor smiles and gestures at me from the podium.

A good amount of students in the room turn their eyes on me and chatter begins in the back. Clearly there were still a handful of people who weren't aware that they are sharing a course with the youngest member of the founding family. I shrink in my chair and my shoulders tense. I hate the attention. Fortunately I am sitting in the front and won't have to talk very loud for the professor to hear me.

"I was just wondering when we will receive our grades for the research essay," I say, ignoring the many people staring.

"Yes, thank you for reminding me," she gives me another one of her sweet smiles and speaks loudly to the class. "Grades have been uploaded online, just log into your school account. You can find all your grades and feedback on there. Have a great weekend everyone!"

The lecture hall begins to quiet down as more and more students leave. I stay for another minute to check my grade. Just as I click on Economics to view my evaluation, the professor appears before me.

"I was very pleased with your essay, your work ethic is remarkable," she remarks and I can't help but rudely look away from her eyes and down at my screen. A 100, I sigh in relief.

"Don't mind me asking, but why did you write twenty thousand words when the minimum was just five thousand?"

"I enjoy extra credit work."

"But there was no extra credit," she says.

"I know. I'm saying I like the work. I don't do it for a reward," I half-lie. I do hope to leave a good impression by going over and beyond expectations.

"Well, I did give you a few extra points for it," she winks at me and turns away to dismiss me. But I grab my laptop and bookbag and follow her confused.

"What do you mean you gave me extra points?" I ask as she turns off the smartboard.

"I don't usually give extra credit work but I was impressed by your research and decided to give you a perfect score."

"What would my score have been without the extra points?"

"A 97, there was a grammatical error. You left out a comma, I believe, and forgot a citation."

"3 points? I lost 3 points for a missing comma?" I shriek.

"And a missing citation," she kindly reminds me.

I really am failing. Everything I do just isn't enough.

"What is it? You look a bit wan."

"No, it's just... I expected a 100."

"And you received a 100."

"I should have gotten a 100 without extra points." It's okay, I try to remain calm. Next time I will take the essay to an English tutor and make sure there is not a single grammar error on the paper. Right now I have to focus on getting to PE on time.

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