All Of Us

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(Little warning; this chapter is a bit shorter than my recent chapters because I'm on vacation and I'm doing this on my phone right now (I apologize for any typos). It's actually still a long chapter but maybe it'll feel short after the last couple of big chapters.)


"Link..." Here I am shaking my head again. This is what I've wanted for so long but all I can think about is poor Mipha, sitting in her room, regretting this entire trip. Or is that just another excuse to reject my one shot at love.

"What is it? Do you not believe me?" Link frowns, holding on to my hand.

"That's not it. It's just... a lot. So many things are happening at the same time; so many hearts were broken along the way. You probably don't even know what happened at the lodge before Mipha kissed you. I just feel like there are still too many things we haven't talked about. It's a lot to process... and I have never been in a relationship, I don't even know what to do or say. But u do know that I'd like to create some sense of order before leaping blindfolded into something new."

"Wait, what happened at the lodge?"

"A lot actually... It's not my place to tell you but right now I think we should put all the cards on the table."

"I agree."

"Well, first Revali asked Mipha out. She said no because she thought you and her were going to work out."


"And then Revali practically forced Impa to confess something to me... She didn't mean for me to know, but she... I guess, somehow she has or had feelings for me. I'm not sure."
"Like feelings feelings?" he asks surprised. At least I'm not the only one who didn't see it.

"I never thought my best friend could like me like that. That's why I believe you when you say that you didn't know about Mipha's feelings. I also believe that you love her the same way that I love Impa. But looking back, there were a lot of signs; I could have and should have realized it sooner. Now I'm just wondering if you could have realized it too. With Mipha I mean."

"I could have questioned it more often, but when every girl acts awkward around you, eventually it becomes the norm. I got so used to red cheeks and giggles and all that, Mipha's behavior didn't stand out. Yours did."

"I see..."

Link has both his hands around one of mine as if letting go meant losing me forever. "I can... um," he bites his lip and looks away with creased brows. "Do you want me to tell you... do you want me to tell you about the kiss?"

"No," I remove his touch to tightly snake my arms around my stomach.

"I think whatever you're picturing is worse than what it really was. I'm not saying it's not bad but it might make it a little easier for you... I don't know. Just a thought."

"Maybe. I just don't think I want to hear it."


"How long was it?"

"The kiss?" I nod and he rubs the back of his neck. "Um, I don't know. A second?"

"You couldn't have stopped her?"

"I had no idea she was going to kiss me. I thought she just came by to wish me luck. I looked away for a second when they called up my name and by the time I looked back at her it had already happened... She caught me totally off guard."

"And then? Why didn't you tell her about us after she kissed you?"

"They just called for me and reporters were trying to get me on camera--Mipha left pretty immediately. I didn't get a chance to say anything to her. I would have, but there wasn't any time."

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