Greedy, But Not For Money (Mammon)

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You are properly exhausted. Devildom is an awesome place, but some days you wanted nothing more than to hang some of these horrendous people.

It has been a long day at RAD and during dinner no one could act normal. It's usually a little amusing to watch the bickering between the brothers, but tonight was not like usual. Satan picked a fight with Lucifer, seemingly just because he could. When Satan started throwing food and it hit Asmo's clothes, shit started going south. It didn't take long for everyone to be in the fight.

You weren't having it, especially not today. Dying was not on the to-do list. You slipped through the flying food and chairs to your room.

You sit down in your chair trying to calm down. With a big sigh you lean back. Peace and quiet is hard to find around this place. Just as you're about to dig into the book you were reading, you hear a knock on the door.

You sigh loudly while rubbing your eyes.

"Come in."

The one and only Avatar of Greed walks into your room chuckling. He was rambling over some pictures. "Ya have to see these shots I took of Lucifer. They're going to make me RICH, ya hear me?!"

You send him the most violent 'what do you want' look as he finally took time to stop rambling and shoot you a look.

"Oi, why are ya lookin' at me like that? What did I do to ya??" He says putting his hands up in a defensive pose.

"What do you want, Mammon." You ask.

"Nothin' really. I noticed you disappeared so I came lookin' for ya. Not that I am worried about you, I obviously just need your help selling these shots."

You sigh. Mammon might be an annoying prick sometimes, but you knew him for long enough. His tough act is all fun and games, but in these cases the poor boy just needs some attention.

You walk over to your bed and pat next to you. "C'mere."

His face lights up like a little puppy as he basically jumps into your arms. However embarrassed he is about this, he loves the quality time. The cuddles without anyone interrupting was something you both needed every once in a while. No bullying, no trouble, just you and him. You also don't put it into words, but these cuddle sessions gave you a silent safe space you desperately needed sometimes.

Mammon nuzzles his face into your neck, way more possessively than normal. As you put your hand through his hair you ask him "Are you okay?"

He stays silent for a good ten seconds and you figure he just doesn't want to talk about it. You are about to let it slide as he answers.

"I don't like evenings like these. Never did, but especially not with you here. My brothers are a bunch of idiots who take up all your time for their own good. They get all touchy-feely with ya the whole time, but they don't notice nor care when they're makin' ya uncomfortable. They made you upset just now, they're taking you away from me. I just want ya for myself."

He shut his mouth instantly as if being emotional would be a bad thing. You hug him closely, swallowing back some tears. You hope it is obvious that you feel the same from the way you are holding him.

He crawls out of your grasp to look at you. You put your hand on his cheek softly. Normally he'd pull up his defensive attitude, saying that you shouldn't treat him like a kid, but he just put his hand over yours. The look in his eyes is so sincere you almost start crying on the spot.

"When it comes to you, I don't care about being greedy." He starts. "In this case I don't care about anyone calling me dumb for being greedy. You mean way more to me than the stupid opinions of my stupid brothers."

You smile at him widely. "This kind of greed doesn't make you dumb. And you know what?"


"Be as greedy as you want."

The sparkle that appears in his eyes spoke more words than either of you could ever express. He moves in closer to you until you are sharing breaths.

"Can I? Please?" He whispers.

As an answer you softly pull him in and place your lips on his, which he answers immediately. It is a soft kiss, slow, sweet. It holds the love you both didn't want to express around other people. It is safety and comfort.

As Mammon pulls back, he turns onto his back, pulling you onto his chest. He hugs you tightly as you feel yourself dozing off into a comfortable drowsy state. Right before you fall asleep you hear Mammon whisper.

"You're mine."

You smile and hug him closer before falling into a comfortable sleep.


Little shorter than I planned but at least y'all didn't have to wait for ages. 
Third part of the rewriting is gonna be out whenever I feel like it cuz I am tired and uninspired (poetic). I do hope this one has improved and I'll try to make all this stuff way more fun to read.

Ps, I died of laughter reading through the comments especially on the smut chapters, you guys are insane. I promise to get rid of some of the nicknames in those chapters cuz y'all are very right it's awfully cringy.

I'll see y'all next chapter, don't sin too much till then little demons.


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