Bonding Over The Avatar Of Lust (Solomon)

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"No, Asmo, I promise you I won't use pink with orange. Just hand over that orange please."

"What are you going to do with the orange then?"

"Purple, dark blue and orange. Catchy." :]

Asmo thought about your nail polish colour choice for a second. He held the colours next to each other and looked at the for a while.

"Catchy indeed, why didn't I think of this before?" He said, while handing the colours over to you.

He had called you that morning if you wanted to hang out with him after school. Since you were pretty much done with your homework you had said yes.
So you were sitting with him, doing your nails together.

Just after he helped you finish your non-dominant hand, your D.D.D rang. Asmo got a glimpse of the name on the screen.

"Akuzon Harry Potter? Who- oh. OH"

You started laughing really hard. You had put Solomon's name as that once as a joke and never changed it back.

Still giggling, you picked up
"Hey, S- Solomon. No, Asmo shut up. What's up?"

It was silent for a second. The magician was probably wondering what you were doing.

"Hey? You promised me you would come over to the Purgatory Hall today to work on that project, but I hear you are with Asmodeus?"

"Oh my, I'm so sorry I completely forgot. We still have a bit of time don't we?"

"Yes. I'll come over to you right away. We will still be going to the Purgatory Hall, so be ready." With those words he hung up.

You looked at Asmo and started laughing.

"I'm so sorry, Asmo, but I forgot I promised Solomon we would work on a project and he is on his way here right now, so I have to get ready to go."

Asmo almost choked.
"You forgot about Solomon? Good luck with that, dear. I'll see you later then~"

You waved at him and left the room. You quickly got your stuff and went outside to wait for Solomon.

It didn't take long before Mister Akuzon Harry Potter came around the corner. He didn't look too happy.

"Let's go, we have a lot to do." He immediately said.

"Well hello to you too." You greeted him, following him to the Purgatory Hall.

The walk was short and silent and even when you arrived at his room he still didn't say much else than some weak instructions.

After digging through a book in silence you were done.

"What is wrong, Solomon. You are acting all distant and annoyed, but it surely can't be that that's all because I forgot about this."

He chuckled. "You never miss any details, do you? Well, if you want to hear the truth, I don't like how much time your spending with Asmo."

"What are you afraid that he might like me more than he likes you?"

It took Solomon longer to react than was necessary for this situation. This silence was heavy, filled with unspoken secrets, waiting to be spoken.

Solomon stood up from his bed and walked towards you. He leaned his hands on the armrests of the chair you were sitting in and he leaned in a bit.

"No actually. I'm afraid you might like him more than you like me."

The smirk that had been on your face faded away fast and made place for the heat spreading across your face.
He was close, so close you could feel his breath on your skin if you closed your eyes.

"I- Eh. I'm s- sorry I was late?" You stumbled, not knowing what to do.

He laughed. It was a laugh with a sprinkle of sadism. He leaned in a bit more and whispered in your ear: "You should be sorry for leaving me waiting. You should know I hate waiting."

Your breath stopped and your heart probably skipped a beat or two. It didn't get better when his lips barely brushed your cheek and again near the corner of your mouth.

You sat in silence and shock, waiting for his next move.
His next move was lifting your chin up, a little forceful to look you in the eyes. He smiled.

Then he pressed his lips against yours.  His hand roamed from your chain, to your neck, dangerously.

You kissed him back, a little too desperate probably. He pulled back and smiled at you.

"Left me waiting and now so desperate. Hmm, well, there is still some things left to do, so we better get to work quick."

You wanted to protest. You didn't know why, but the path he was leading you on was dangerous, but a bit too exciting.

No matter your feelings, he went back to the project. Sighing and a bit shaky you grabbed the book you were reading back up again. You were just staring at the page, pretending to read, but actually you were trying to process what just happened.

"Dear. The book us upside down."

You shot up and saw him reading his book and smirking. Then you looked back and noticed that the boom was indeed upside down.

"Darling, if you can finish two chapters of that book in this state, I'll get you a reward~"


Aaaaahhhhh I'm sorry this kinda sucks. I don't really like Solomon so let's go. Plus I don't have a lot of inspiration, and I just noticed the title does not work with the story, but okay it's fine.

I eh. I eh, could write angst stories after the smuts. Like... I could. Why? Cuz it's fun to make you people cry. It's amazing. It will make me cry, but it's funny. (Lemme know if it's a good idea cuz then I have an idea to keep this book going for a little longer, for u guys ya know, entertainment.)

See you guys in a day or two~


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