Am I Not Good Enough (Leviathan)

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Your D.D.D rang. The screen lit up with the name "Levi~".

You had been busy with schoolwork all day, so you didn't waste a second to pick up the phone.

"Hey there Levi, how are you doing?" You spoke.

"I was doing good, but now that a new game came out, I'm doing even better!" He answered, excited.

"Nice! What is it about?" You asked while leaning back in your chair.

"Come and see. Bring some snacks over as well, I'll be waiting in my room." He hung up on you.

You did like a good video game, so you excitedly ran to the kitchen to grab some snacks.

In the kitchen you found Beel ravaging the fridge. You smiled an evil smirk. With a little run you jumped on his back, unexpectedly. He gasped, turning to look at you.
You started laughing at his face full of smears of chocolate and other stuff that you couldn't really identify.

"You seem oddly happy today." He said, a bit annoyed that you scared him.

You avoided his comment by moving around him and looking what was left in the fridge that you could take for your game night with Levi.

"You know that if Lucifer sees you like this, he isn't gonna be happy." You said to Beel as you checked out a piece of chocolate cake that somehow survived Beel's attack.
You turned around go see Beel sitting on the ground, arms crossed and pouting.

After you found some chips, candy and soda, you turned to Beel who was still on the ground. You ruffled his hair and gave him the piece of chocolate cake.

"After you finish that, clean up the mess, so you won't get trouble, m'kay?"

Beel nodded, basically drooling by the sight of the chocolate cake.

You grabbed your stuff and walked out of the kitchen, smiling and shaking your head. Then you went, with the snacks, to Levi's room.

"Come in!" Levi answered after you had knocked on his door.

You closed the door with your hip and threw the bags of child and candy into his lap with a skilled throw.

"I couldn't save the chocolate cake from Beel, but we have this." You said while you gave him a can of soda.

"Ehm..." Levi was looking intensely at the candy in his lap.
"You know that this is the only candy Satan likes? And that we don't have more than this bag? And that he will basically kill anyone who touches it?" He asked.

You smiled while opening the mini fridge in Levi's room. While you took out your drink which Levi always saved for you on his fridge, you said: "You know how Satan is with me. I can even touch his books without permission. Well most of them."

Levi looked at you, not convinced. He threw the bag on his bed with the statement that he wasn't going to take the risk.

"Candy aside. Dear Sir Levi, could you please enlighten me with the topic of this so called 'video-game'?" You asked, doing a weird British accent to lighten up the mood.

"Let's play and find out." He answered with a smile.

It turned out to be an open world RPG. You and Levi spent at least a few hours leveling the character as fast as possible. It was a single player game so you had to switch turns, but you didn't mind.
You handled the fighting while Levi handled the grinding for materials.

"I want to take this battle!" Levi shouted, right as you were about to attack the first monster.
You quickly passed the controller to Levi. However, he wasn't really familiar with the fighting controls in this specific game. You cheered, trying to hype him up, even thought he was dong a weak job.

His face fell into disbelief and sadness when the character played their little death cutscene.

"I think you did a good job." You said to him, bumping your fist against his shoulder.

He hung his head. Then he shook it.

"I didn't do a good job. I can take care of the grinding, but a bit of fighting I can't handle. You are always better in games. I have to grind for hours to get on the level that you are at in one hour.
I'm jealous of how much better you are than me and you can even talk to people normally! I'm just a worthless otaku, left to be alone, because I'm to scared to talk to real people. I'm not good enough."

You looked at him for a second, shocked. Then you got a bit angry.
You forcefully grabbed him by his shoulders and forced him to look at you.

"Listen here, Levi. Listen real careful now. You. Are. Not. Worthless.
You. Are. Good. Enough." You emphasized each word, trying to get it in his head.
"You may be scared to talk to people, but does that mean everyone? No, that's right, you are talking to me and to all your brothers and to all the people you buy merch from and to people at conventions. It doesn't matter if you are introverted as long as you are yourself. You understand me?
You mean the world to me, Levi, I'm serious. No amount of Grimm in the three worlds would I prefer over you. What am I saying? I would fight Lucifer AND Satan, barefoot on a mattress of glass, if it meant it would keep you safe and if it meant you could be mine."

During you monologue his eyes had widened. He didn't believe what you said, but he really hoped it was true.

Good thing it was.
And you were going to prove it.

You moved your hand from his shoulder to his cheek. Smiled as you softly stroked his face.

You chuckled. "You know what, Levi. Why do I even care. I love you and I am not going to let you talk to yourself like that."

His face turned an almost impossible shade of red.
You smiled again. This time as you placed your lips on his. You felt his hesitation before he gave in, desperately.

You pulled back and leaned your forehead against his.

"You are worth way more than there are stars in space." You whispered, wiping a single tear of his cheek.


Hi it's me again, I hate authors notes, but I like dropping my thoughts, so have this.

I'm really proud of this chapter tbh, maybe it was somewhat easy cuz Levi may or may not be one of my kins oof. Either way this felt very natural to write so I hope you guys can enjoy it.

It wanted to drop this earlier, but I was really tired so I wrote it now.
Expect a new chapter tomorrow or the day after.


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