Library To Make Homework (Satan)****

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You yawned. Today you didn't have
school, but you did have to do homework. You rolled out of bed to get some breakfast before starting all the work you needed to do.

Rubbing your eyes, you walked to the kitchen to get a sandwich. To your surprise you found Belphie in the kitchen. He was also yawning and rubbing his eyes signaling he also just woke up.

"Morning." You said.

"Morning. Beel ate most of the food just now, there is only some cereal left." Belphie answered.

"That's fine, I need to leave quickly anyway. I got to go study in the library today."

"Aren't we free today?" Belphie asked. The look on his face revealed that he was scared that he missed some vital information.

You chuckled. "Don't worry, we are free today. I just need to catch up with some stuff."

He looked relieved when you said that. Talking about nothing, you both ate your breakfast before leaving. Belphie went back to take a nap and you went back to get dressed and ready to go to the library.

You stretched. You had just arrived in the library and grabbed the stuff you needed. At least two demons told you to be silent when you took out your pen and you flipped them both off. Might not have been the best idea, but you didn't care. You were too tired to care about these random demons.

You sighed and went to work. While scribbling down the formulas, you didn't notice the demon taking a seat next to you.

"That's supposed to be 2x not 2y."

You flinched.

"Goddamnit, Satan. You scared me."

Satan laughed at you choice of words. You punched his arm in response.

"Ouch. I guess you don't want my help?"

"No, no, no, help me, I've been stuck on this assignment for at least and hour now."

"Only if you say please."

"Please, Satan? Please help me with this homework." You gave him your best puppy eyes.

He smiled, then nodded. And so you went to work with the smart demon next to you, explaining the things you did wrong.

"So if you need to get y and you know that x is 6, what do you need to do then?" He asked.

You chewed on the back of your pen, doing the steps in your head before deciding if it was the right thing.

Satan leaned up closer to you.
"You look hot like this, kitten."

Your eyes widened at what he whispered. He had put his arm around you to pull you closer as he kissed your jaw.

You suddenly noticed how silent it was in the library. Not library silent, but there-are-no-people silent. You felt heat rushing up to your cheeks as you realized what was happening.

Satan was leaving a trail of kisses down your jaw and neck in an empty library.


In that moment you decided to be bold. You turned to face him and kissed him. If he was surprised, he didn't show it. He started softly dominating the kiss. You gave him permission to explore your mouth, he took it without hesitation.

You moaned into the kiss. His body seemed to tense under your hands roaming over his back. He pulled back.

"Shit kitten. You have one chance to back out now, I won't be able to stop later."

"Live up to your name, Satan. Your the Avatar of Wrath for a reason. I'm ready."

"Oh kitten, you have no idea what you are getting yourself into." He answered your statement while kissing your neck.

You knew though. You knew exactly what you were getting into and you were ready.
You tangled your fingers into his hair and pulled him back up.

"Try me."

His jaw tensed.

"Strip for me. Now."
You obeyed. When you were done, you kneeled before him. He didn't ask, but you knew he wanted you to.
He patted your head.

"Good kitten. Good kittens will be rewarded. Tell me what you want."

Your eyes traveled down. He noticed. He unbuckled his pants and dropped them down.

"Is this what you want, my little kitten?"

You greedily accepted. You licked a strip from base to tip, before taking him all in. It was quite the task, but he rewarded you with a low moan when you succeeded.

"Be a good kitten and turn for me." Satan said, gesturing towards the table. However, you just took him down your throat again.

"Fuck. Bad kitten." He mumbled.

He grabbed you by the chin and forced you to look up at him.

"You know you shouldn't anger me. Sadly you still did, I'm disappointed. Kitten needs to be trained."

He roughly bent you over the table. Without a warning he thrusted into you. You moaned in pain and pleasure.

"Satan- pl- please.. s-slow. It hurts."

"Your words tell me to stop, but your face tells me otherwise." He said, pulling your head back by your hair.

You couldn't hold back a moan when he grabbed you by your neck while thrusting into you. It was harder to breath, but the adrenaline and pleasure were skyrocketing.

He moved up close to your ear.

"Does the thought of someone getting in excite you, kitten?"

You immediately shoved your hand before your mouth to muffle the moans.
Satan laughed. He roughly pulled your arms to your back and held them there, while still not slowing down.

You couldn't hold back the moans as he thrusted right where it felt the best.

"Satan please... I'm- I'm gonna cum!"

"Beg me for permission, little kitten."

You moved one of his hands to around your neck.
"Please Satan, choke me while I cum for you, like the good kitten you want me to be!"

He chuckled and did what you asked. "Cum for me, my pretty little kitten."

Like that the excitement reached it's high and not long after you, Satan also reached his climax.

"Your mine, kitten. Remember that."


Anddd another part down for the simps. It's been a few days, but I have been busy and out hsshdjsjd. I hope you guys enjoyed this one, I have to say that I think it's pretty good.

Next up, Asmo!

Oh and if these aren't as heavy/kinky as you think, I'm trying to make them as easy for me as possible so it won't take me weeks to write one story. This is just more comfortable for me, but I might do some better ones in the future.

See u in the next chapter!


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