Inside, Outside (Satan)

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Lucifer and Satan had had a fight. It was a pretty bad one. They had destroyed living room almost completely before Diavolo came rushing in to stop them. Lucifer went with Diavolo to the Demon Lord's Castle and returned later that night. Satan had locked himself into his room.

You hadn't seen Satan come out of that room. It was 3 days already that he was in there. The brothers didn't really care, they all told you that it happened before and that you shouldn't worry.

But you did worry.
The only sign of life you saw, was when the plate with food you put in front of Satan's door would be gone. At the end of everyday, you would find the plates back, empty, ready to be cleaned, right where you had left them when they were full.

On the evening of the third day you were done with it. Instead of going by his room later to get his plates, you went to wait next to his door. You waited until he would come out to put his plates in front of the door again.

After an hour or two, the door opened, just a bit. Satan immediately spotted you and wanted to close the door again, but you stopped it by putting your hand between it.

"Ouch, damnit!" You exclaimed, realizing your hand wasn't the best thing to put between a door.

"What are you doing here." Satan spoke in a monotone voice that showed he hadn't used it for a while.

"I'm checking how you are doing, I'm worried about you."

"No need." He tried to close the door again. This time you used your foot to keep it open. You shoved the door harshly, hoping to be able to get in. Surprisingly it worked.

The door slammed close behind you. You put your hands on your hips and looked at Satan. He was looking back, very annoyed.

"Why are you looking so annoyed that I come check up on you?" You asked.

"I don't need any guidance. I've lived a few thousand years, I can care for myself."

You crossed your arms, genuinely getting angry.

"You know what, Satan? The past few days I've been worried sick about you. I brought you food and water everyday, because I was afraid you would starve. I wanted to bring you games, but I figured the books you have would be enough and I didn't want to bother you with games. I left you alone for three full days, hoping you would come out yourself, realizing things are not as bad as they may seem.

But you didn't. So I came to get you, because I'm done with being worried. You can get all angry at me for telling you what to do, but at this point, I don't even care. So two choices. One, I will leave and you can perish here. Two, you come to me and we will find an, at least temporary, solution for whatever is bothering you. Your choice. You have till midnight to decide, otherwise I'll just casually send you back to this cave where you can be all lonely."

With those words you left his room, leaving him to his decision.

You didn't think he cared. You didn't think your speech would be effective. He is the Avatar of Wrath after all, why would he listen to a human?

The last minutes to midnight you counted down. You didn't know if you were disappointed or if you expected it.

Three more minutes till midnight.

You wondered what he was doing. If you really didn't mean anything to him.

One more minute.

You sighed, giving up the last piece of hope you had.
Right as you wanted to dive under your covers, you heard a soft knock on your door.

Satan came in.
"Where are we gonna go." He said, straight to the point.

You couldn't hold back a smile, realizing he did come back for you. You quickly grabbed your stuff and pulled him outside.

"We, dear friend, are going to take a walk."

He looked confused.
"How is a walk supposed to help me?"

"You have been inside for three days straight. You look like a ghost that saw a ghost. I can basically see through you. Come along now."

You took him to the garden. It was a beautiful garden with glowing flowers and glittering water. You took a small sprint, jumping over a little creek and letting yourself fall into the grass.

You rolled on you back and looked at Satan. He was standing still, looking at you. His hands were deep in his pockets.
You sat up and signed to him to come on the grass. He lightly shook his head, but still came over to you.

"Take a deep breath, Satan. You can't tell me that that isn't nice after a few days inside."

"It isn't the inside that was the problem though."

You looked at him confused. The tone in his voice initiated that he meant something more than what he said.

He sighed, then chuckled in irony.
"I didn't stay in my room, because I was angry. Well maybe the first day. Further I stayed there, because I realized that what I did back then was foolish. I acted like a fool and I wanted to punish myself for that. Do you want to know how I did that?"

You nodded, glad he was opening up. However you did not expect him to grab your chin and turn your face to look at him. Your eyes widened in surprise.

"I punished myself by not seeing you. I punished myself by hearing you come by everyday to bring me stuff, but not opening the door to see your face. To hear your voice. I punished myself by putting the plates back in front of my door instead of in the kitchen, just to hear you again, but not be able to see you."

He stroked your cheek with his thumb.

"Satan, I-"

You couldn't finish your sentence, because he had pulled you into a kiss. His lips soft against yours. It wasn't desperate or harsh, more apologetic and loving.

You kissed back, moving your hand to his hair, to pull him in closer. You didn't know you had needed this. You didn't know you had missed him so much.

You pulled back.
"You were punishing me as well."

"I'm sorry. I guess I will make up for that." He answered you and proceeded to trail little kisses down your jawline...


Will be continued I guess? Either we leave it here, or I will make the smut part, just a next part of this or smth idk.

I hope you guys still enjoy, don't be scared to leave tips in the comments.

See you in the next part!


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