Fun 2.5 Year Late Update

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Bet y'all didn't expect to ever see an update on this story again did you? 

Well it may be your lucky day, cuz I am currently working on this story. I will be rewriting the old stories cuz after 2.5 years this stuff is making me cringe so hard. I'll at the very least try to finish my 5K special which is nuts since this story has over 150K reads now. 

BUT! If I can keep this up I'll be dropping some more stories along the road. Considering I am now in college and have adult responsibilities I might not have a lot of time to drop the rewritten versions and new stories, but I'll try my best to make this horrendously old story something new and better to enjoy for all of y'all who are still somehow reading this.

I hope I will improve the typos that I have made all over the place cuz I generally wrote this story at 3AM and you bet my autocorrect wasn't nice to me. (For the people who remember, say goodbye to the bags of child from Chapter 3)

I'll be dropping the new version of the first chapter hopefully within a week.

Your local Demon is back bitches


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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