Not As Bad As They Say (Lucifer)

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Your stay in Devildom has been pretty fun for the weeks you resided there. The few times you almost got killed were just a little damper on the fun you had with the brothers and the angels. One thing still bothers you after these few weeks though.

You hear a ton of stories around Lucifer every day. They widely vary in wickedness, but they were all pretty scary to say the least. You barely got to talk to him besides your introduction to the realm and the classes.

Just seeing him walk through the halls and bossing everyone around does kind of scare you. So you stayed out of his reach.

Until today.

Mammon somehow managed to play into your fear and forced you to stand watch while he was snooping around in Lucifer's room. He threatened to tell Lucifer about all the times you forgot to do homework or fell asleep in class. The stupid demon made you do this for his stupid little trinkets he could sell on Akuzon.

And so here you are. Standing in front of the door, trying to breathe away your fear and hoping the moron would be done with searching fast. In your head you go through all the 666 options of how this could lead to your death.

The rest of the year on cleaning duty would be a mercy. Having Mammon scrub your blood off the wall was one of the worst options.

You hear footsteps coming up the stairs and you start knocking on the door to let Mammon know inevitable death is approaching.

Inside you can hear him mumbling about precious Grimm and other stupid shit. Of course the idiot doesn't hear the knocking.

The footsteps come closer and with them Lucifer comes around the corner. His heavy strides tell you he probably already knows what is going on. Yep, certain death.

He stops in front of you. A step too close to be comfortable.

"Do you need my attention?" He asks, tone filled with suppressed anger.

"I eh... came to ask you if you c-could help me with some homework in the library?" Your shaking voice already giving away the already blatantly obvious lie.

"Move. Now."

You do as he says, silently praying that he might have some flavour of mercy on you. Your whole body starts shaking as he slams the door open, revealing Mammon snooping through Lucifer's precious vinyls without a care in the world.

"MAMMOOOONNNN!!!" He yells, voice booming.

You see Mammon shoot up and start blurting out stupid excuses. The more he talked the less it made sense. Lucifer basically radiated fury.

"Mammon, shut your stupid mouth. I protect those vinyls with high level curses to protect them from anyone going through them without my permission. Namely YOU. On top of your new expression of idiocy I wonder WHERE in that empty head of yours you managed to drag THEM along into your so-called schemes."

You are pretty sure you aren't breathing out of fear.

"Oi Lucifer, I needed someone on watch and they volunteered!" Mammon lies.

"Get the hell out of my face, Mammon. I can't deal with you now, nor your petty lies. Do not think for one moment this will be the last you hear of this. I will come up with some suitable punishments for your foolish actions."

Mammon flees, probably hiding in his room like a coward. He didn't even think about helping you out here. Now it was just you and Lucifer left. You try to get your breathing under control, feeling light-headed from the fear coursing through your veins.

You keep looking at the floor hoping there is some way to survive this. Lucifer's glossy shoes appear into your view and you think you might just die on the spot.

"What did he promise you?" Lucifer says.

"Hu-?" You say looking up at him.

"I am asking you, what did he promise you? I have noticed the rumours about me have an impact on you and you would never voluntarily help the idiot with a stunt like this. Especially not around my quarters. So what. Did he. Promise you?"

"He..." You pause.

Lucifer moves his hand to your chin to make you look him in the eyes. It's terrifying, but you're not sure if he means harm anymore.

"He... what?"

"He didn't promise me anything." You mutter.

"Then what did he do."

You try to avert your eyes the best you can. "He threatened me to snitch about all the times I fell asleep in class or the homework I missed." You are hoping so hard he won't see the shame and fear in your eyes.

His grip on your chin tightens, forcing you to look him in the eyes again. "He will be punished accordingly. That damned fool, playing into your fears like it is some kind of joke."

Lucifer's thumb strokes your cheek almost softly, his eyes growing softer than you've ever seen. You breathe out shakily, trying to get rid of the nerves. You were told he was merciless. One bad thing could make him hold a grudge forever, if he didn't kill you outright. They told you he would find made up reasons to hurt people, just to please his sadistic ways. Now here he was, Avatar of Pride, stroking your cheek with a foreign softness.

You would almost say lovingly.

"Stay with me tonight." He says. "I wouldn't want Mammon to play his dirty tricks on you again. You'll be safe."

Still tense and confused about the difference in character, you just nod. Something about this 'new' Lucifer was mesmerising.

He takes your hand, leading you into his room. You stand there, a little awkward as he browses through his vinyls before picking one out. It's a calming melody, beautiful like the breeze. You feel yourself relax a bit more as he pours a drink for the both of you and pats on the bed next to him.

You drink with him, talking quietly, getting to know him. The real Lucifer.

As you grow tired he pulls you into a surprisingly comfortable embrace. You smile at this newfound safety and softly drift off to sleep.


Hi, I lied, have the first rewritten version of this beautiful disaster of a story.
I might have the next one out soon, but no promises.

Gnight little demons, I'll be back


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