Taking The B A T Out Of Basement (Solomon)*****

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"Goddamnit, stop." You groaned.

"What is wrong?" Simeon asked.

It was the weekend and Simeon and Luke had invited you for a picnic. You guys were sitting in a park with some food, just chilling, but your D.D.D kept vibrating.

"Solomon keeps trying to call me, but I told him that I was busy."

"You could turn off your phone, but I don't know if that is a very smart idea. Solomon doesn't like to be ignored." Luke said.

You shrugged. "He has to deal with it. He is not the only one I'm friends with." You turned off your phone. You grabbed another sandwich and took the drink Simeon offered you. You just sat around and had fun. The three of you even walked out to the waterfalls and through the flower fields. You and Luke picked a bunch of flowers which he would give out to everyone later. You made him do it, hoping it would bring him closer to the demon brothers.

"That was fun guys, thanks." You hugged Luke and Simeon goodbye.

"No problem, let's do this again soon." Simeon offered.

"Yes definitely!" You smiled.

You waved them goodbye and made your way back to the House of Lamentation. You smiled at the memories of that day. You turned a corner to make your way through a small alleyway. It was the fastest way back and you thought you would be fine since no one ever dared to put a finger on you. The Avatar of Pride protected you after all.

This is what you believed until your vision went dark and you felt a knife to your neck. 

"Work with me now, pebble."

Scared for your life you did as the voice said. They tied your hands behind your back and blindfolded you. They led you somewhere. It was a long way and you stumbled as the person pushed you forward.

"Careful now, there are some stairs here." The voice said right before they pushed you forward.
You stumbled forward and fell down the stairs. It were just a few steps, but you were sure your hip would be bruised for at least a week.

Your blindfold got removed and Solomon's face came into your view.

"S- Solomon?" You stuttered.

As if he could read your thoughts he said: "I think there will be more bruises to remind you by the time we are done, pebble."

"Why are you doing this?" You asked.

"Well, I'm giving you the chance to have some real fun. I have to be honest that I'm kind off annoyed that you didn't answer me the whole day, so  it might be a little more enjoyable for me than for you. Although I do give you this generous offer of being able to leave."

You were silent for a bit. For the first time you took the time to look around where you were. It was a damp basement, lit up by torches hanging in the corners. They discarded a dim light which got reflected by the equipment standing across the room. The light that shimmered from the harnesses hanging from the wall shimmered with a sinful playfulness. It was addicting. You felt a bit guilty for how it excited you.

You made a decision, the decision that made you obey when Solomon grabbed you by the chin and pulled you up. He took your submissiveness as a yes and roughly placed his lips on yours. You gasped as his hand restricted your airflow and he took that opening to shove his tongue into your mouth. You softly moaned as he explored your mouth roughly. He proceeded to create a trail of marks across your jaw and down your neck, leaving you breathing heavy, craving more.

"Stand up, pebble." He said. You did as he said, while he walked over to one of the walls. He chose a bundle of rope, coloured dark purple. "Undress for me, pebble." 

You willingly did as he said. He proceeded to skillfully tie you up. He pulled your hands up while pulling you close. With one hand he held the rope which tied your hands together, the other on your waist. He kissed you surprisingly soft and then proceeded to tie the rope to a ring on the wall.

You tried to hide your face in your shoulder, blushing because of the embarrassing pose. 

"Oh dear pebble, this is going to be so much fun." He softly stroked your cheek. "I might even forgive you for ignoring me. Do you know how generous that is?"

You lifted your head. "Y- Yes... Sir."

Solomon smirked. His hands found their way down. "Good pebble. You are getting so excited for me." 
You threw your head back as his fingers skillfully found their way. You bit your lip trying to silence your moans. Solomon forcefully lifted your head up. 

"Don't silence yourself. Right now I'm giving you the fun, give me my part of the fun as well." Right after he said that he started to move his hands more intensly, making it impossible to keep your mouth shut. He nuzzled his face in your neck, savoring your noises.

"S- Sir, please..."

"What is it you want, pebble?"


It was one word you whispered. One word that was enough to drive Solomon over the edge. One word that made the fun, fun.

He quickly got rid of his robes and anything else that would be in his way. Then he did the rope from the ring and led you to one of the tables. He layed you down and bent over you. Then he grabbed one of the knots and used it as a handle when he pushed into you. He didn't stop as you yelled out his name. 

You hooked your bound hands behind his head and pulled him close, holding on for your dear life. Solomon groaned lowly in the nape of your neck. The vibrations traveled down your spine. His thrusts hit the right spot over and over again, leaving you in trouble to breath. The rope scraped your skin, but the burning feeling added to the sparking pleasure.

He quickly rode you two through your highs. Groans and heavy breathing filled the damp room.

"Let's have more fun later, pebble."

"Yes sir."


Yeeey, I'm so late, but here you go. This took way too long cuz uncomfy, but here simps. I hope to get the next chapter tomorrow and get ready cuz the last two be spicy.

See u soon


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