The Room Where It Happens

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Phee: Hello guys! Today we're... pretty okay.

Peggy + Maria: *being closeted gays*

Phee: Let's just get going. Anyways, we have a special guest with us! 

Squider: *poofs in the room* Hello! 

Alex: *screams and jumps into John's arms* WiTCH

Laurens: AlEX yoU'RE sQUISHinG mE

Phee: Let's just get going... again. 

Hamilsquad + Burr: *trying to grab Alex off of Laurens*


Ah, Mister Secretary

Mister Burr, sir

Didja hear the news about good old General Mercer?

Alex: *gets off of John* Yes?


Jefferson: I thought you said yes?

Alex: This is the past Jefferson. THE PAST-

Washington: No. Calm down children. Jefferson, Hamilton. Sit down. 

Squider: *whispers to Phee* Are they always like this?

Phee: More or less. 

You know Clermont Street?


They renamed it after him
The Mercer legacy is secure

Lafayette: Don't say that! That's Hammy's trigger word. 

Hercules: *is restraining Alex*

Alex: Isn't this a little... overboard? 

Burr: I'd have to take Alex's side. He was actually was very polite about it. I think. My memory's a bit fuzzy. 

Theo: *pats Burr's head* Poor old man. 


And all he had to do was die

That's a lot less work

We oughta give it a try


Eliza: Remember how we said "Stay Alive" back in that one song? Yeah. Please do that. 

Laurens: 'Polite' you say, Burr?

Now how're you gonna get your debt plan through?

I guess I'm gonna fin'ly have to listen to you

Lee: That's a shocker. 


"Talk less. Smile more."

Burr: *dryly* Ha ha

Ha ha

Jefferson: Parrot 2.0

Do whatever it takes to get my plan on the Congress floor

Now, Madison and Jefferson are merciless

Well, hate the sin, love the sinner

Seabury: Indeed. *clasps hands together* God loves all, and if you repent your sins-

King George: I forgot that he was a bishop. 

Lee: SSHHHH. Listen to Sammy talk! 


Madison: Ohhh. This night. 

I'm sorry Burr, I've gotta go


Decisions are happening over dinner

Madison: Oh it's this night. 

Two Virginians and an immigrant walk into a room

[Burr and Ensemble:]
Diametric'ly opposed, foes

They emerge with a compromise, having opened doors that were

[Burr and Ensemble:]
Previously closed


Jeffmads+ Alex: We ain't bros. 

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