Chapter 11 Meeting with Onaga

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Y/Ns PoV

After stopping the attack lead by baraka and the tournament being cancelled

Currently I am taking it easy as Sindel and Kitana are tending to my cut that I received from Baraka

Sindel:There you go dear

Y/N:Thanks Girls

Kitana:What are you gonna do now?

Y/N: I'm gonna get some training in before heading to Onaga's place to do what I said would after the tournament

Sonya:Who you gonna train with?

I begin to ponder at who I could train with

Y/N:Hey Liu do you want to train together before I head for Onaga's place?

Liu Kang:Sure it would be a honor to face you in combat myself

Scorpion:Follow me to the training area that myself Kuai Liang and Y/N Use for training and sparing

Following scorpion we arrive at the training area at which Liu Kang and Myself step onto the arena in the middle

Scorpion:Both Fighters ready?

Both of us nod


The two of us then dash at each other which we then collide our fists over and over

Meanwhile at the dragon Kings palace 3rd PoV

Onaga is currently sitting on his throne bored as there is nothing going on in his palace

Suddenly a minion of Onaga rushes into the throne room

Minion:My Liege!

Onaga:You better have a good reason for barging in here unannounced...

Minion:I do my Liege the one who has your sword

Onaga:What about him?

Minion:Well my Liege I happened to over hear him while spying on him and he said that after he done sparring he will be heading over here to give you what you asked for

Onaga:And your sure he said those exact words?

Minion:Yes My Liege

Onaga then grins before dismissing the minion

Back with the defenders Y/Ns PoV

Finishing the spar with Liu Kang I grab Onaga's Sword and prepare to travel

Bi-Han:Do you even know how to get to Onaga's palace?

Y/N:If I'm being honest no and as for how I got there before all I can remember is a portal opened up infront of me while I was traveling which lead me to Onaga's palace which after grabbing the sword the same portal appeared and I returned to my travels

Raiden:Can you describe how the portal looked like?

I nod and explain how the portal looked back then

Raiden:It would seem a deity of High Status helped you get to the temple where Onaga

Jax:But who would help him?

Voice:I believe I am the one you all seek for helping Y/N

A portal opens up and out steps a individual wearing what looks to be a holy robe of some sorts

A portal opens up and out steps a individual wearing what looks to be a holy robe of some sorts

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Raiden:Elder God Kronika you helped Y/N get the sword?

Kronika:that is correct Raiden

Y/N:But why help me get the sword for if I may ask such a question of you

Kronika:I helped you get the sword because in all timelines I looked into you are the one who changes the lives of those around you to have a positive look on life. One such example the war between the lin quei and Shira Ryu

Scorpion:A war that would of taken years to cease between our two clans for where it not for Y/Ns help to get us to reconsider our actions

Kuai Liang:He also helped with bringing my brother back to his original self while still having access to his darkside

Sindel:He even took on Baraka on his own and Baraka is said to be ferocious in battle

Y/N:Hate to interrupt the talk about me but Kronika can you open a portal to Onaga's temple so that I may do what I said I would do?

Kronika:Of course and as for your second partner that is too help you with your destiny you will meet them very soon

A portal opens up which I step through

After stepping through I see that I am in a chamber of sorts

Onaga:So you came at last

Turning my head I see Onaga standing with his arms crossed

Y/N:I did say that I would come after the tournament was over which got cancelled due to an attack

Onaga:it seems there are humans who keep their words.... Now then let's begin the spar you said you would have with me so that I can assess your ability to use my sword!

I nod and take out the sword which we both ready our stances as we slowly walk around in a circle while facing each other waiting for the other to slip up

A/N:I couldn't find the proper gif for the scene above so picture yourself and Onaga walking in a circle while glaring at each other

A small pebble falls from a near by pillar which we then rush at each other

*Clash!* *Swipe!* *Cut!* *Slash!*

We trade blow for blow slash for slash over and over as we attempt to best each other

Meanwhile over with the rest Kronika is showing my spar through a viewing orb

Onaga and I separate for a moment

Onaga:Not bad you are one of the few mortals to ever give me a challenge despite you using my own sword against me

Y/N:I take it that no one has ever given you a real challenge besides myself and the few others you say gave you a challenge

Onaga:Most ran away from me in fear before the challenge even began so like I said you are one of the few to never back away from me and actually kept your promise to come once Kahn's tournament was over

Y/N:Well while I am just a mortal individual we are all connected in some way of something bigger

Onaga:What are you talking about?

Y/N:You see Onaga while there are some beings such as Humans,Dragons,Lizards,God's,Elder God's,Machines and many other races out there wandering the lands of the realms we are strive for a better future and despite our goals in life wither it's to rule the realms with a iron fist or to ensure peace is achieved in all realms. We are connected in heart despite our status and race so that is why I hope to achieve my destiny and bring peace to all realms

Onaga and those on the other side are all quiet

Onaga:Go return to your friends I'll need sometime to think about what you said

Y/N:Very well Onaga and remember if you need my help don't be afraid to call upon me for assistance....fare well

A portal opens up and I step through

Returning to the others Raiden walks over to me

Raiden:we heard what you said and I believe you are right we all are connected in heart despite our statuses and race so I will say this now

Raiden kneels before me

Raiden:I Raiden the God of thunder pledge myself to helping you reach your destiny

Soon the others do the same thing as Raiden

Y/N:Rise my friends we are in this together for now let us enjoy what little peace we have till the next tournament or something that would cause us to defend the realms

Everyone Nods and we begin relaxing and chatting with each other


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