Ch2 The First Match Y/N Vs Reptile

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I follow lord Raiden and the others to destinated area for our group to be at

Soon we arrive and see another group with fighters I never seen before in which one of them smirks at me

Staff:Welcome to the Mortal Kombat Tournament! Now a word from the emperor himself!

Shao Kahn:Welcome Fighters From around The Realms! Today is A Glorious Day for Mortal Kombat!! Let's make it bloody!!!

Staff:Now if all fighters would turn their head to the screen please we will see our first match!

We all turn to the screen to watch it randomly pick two of us to fight

After a second it shows up to be myself vs a lizard called Reptile

Y/N:So who's this reptile supposed to be?

Liu:He's the lizard over on the other side and let me tell you he's tricky

Y/N:how so?

Jax:Well the freak can spit acid turn invisible and has a freakishly long tongue

Y/N:ok the acid and invisible part but really a long tongue too?

Johnny:Yes but he only uses it for his fatalities so you have no need to worry about it

Y/N:that's good well time to put my training to use then

I enter the arena as does Reptile

Reptile:Ssoo A Fresssh Meat Isss Heress

Y/N:and judging by your accent I'd say you never finished English class or had a breath mint before

Reptile:yousss shall pay for that remark foolss

Y/N:whatever you say lizard man

I get into fighting stance as does Reptile

Shao Kahn:ROUND 1 FIGHT!

We rush towards each other as I get closer reptile trys to spit acid on me to which I dodge and give him a hard right to the face causing to tumble on the ground

Reptile then goes invisible making me become unaware of where he is

I slowly close my eyes and tune everything out to listen for any sounds from reptile

All is quiet that is until reptiles tail slams on the ground alerting me of his presence as he attempts to slash at me at which I dodge the slash and send a combo of punches to his upper body ending with a hard kick to the side of the head causing him to fall down on to the ground

Shao Kahn:Y/N Wins

Reptile gets up and attempts to make me fall by grabbing my leg with his tail at which I jump over but not before grabbing his tail swinging him around before slamming him on the ground before picking him and sending him a brutal flurry of punches all over his body

Reptile stands up but is dazed I soon hear shao Kahn say


I take out my sword and dash towards the dazed reptile as I vanish out of sight confusing everyone before reappearing a few feat away to which I sheath my sword causing Reptile's body to fall into tiny pieces on to the ground

Shao Kahn:Y/N Wins! Fatialtie!

I walk off the arena back to the group

Jax:Damn that was brutal

Johnny:I say you literally cut him up

Y/N:Well the rules did say when we heard the words "FINISH HIM" that are suppose to kill our opponents right?

Raiden: that it did and I must say I'm impressed at your combat

Liu:indeed how is it that your so good at hand to hand combat if I may ask

Y/N:I traveled earth realm training under various Masters who taught me the ways of hand to hand combat

Sonya:But what about your experience with the blade you quickly cut up reptile without a hesitation

Y/N:Personal Experience I trained with a sword since I was a kid

Raiden:impressive well you have until tommorow for the next match so you can go rest if you like

Y/N: I'll do just that thank you Lord Raiden

Kitanas POV

Y/N leaves to go rest but I can't seem to get him out of my mind the way he handles a sword his combat training he voice it makes my heart beat fast

I look at Sonya and Skarlet they both have the same expression as me

Kitana:Sonya Skarlet can I talk with you two for a moment?

Sonya:huh oh sure Kitana

Skarlet:of course

The three of us leave to go talk somewhere

In a secluded area still kitanas POV

Kitana:so tell me girls you both have feeling for Y/N right?

They both start stuttering

Sonya:I don't k-know w-what your t-talking about


Kitana:Come on girls we all love him and I'm sure we are willing to share him with each other


Kitana:of course and besides I'm sure he will love us equally

The two smile brightly

Sonya:But when should we confess to him?

Skarlet:I think tomorrow after his next match

Kitana+Sonya:Good idea

The three of us proceed back to the group and act like nothing happened


A/N:here is the next chapter and it looks like Y/N will get a confession from three beauty's. how will it turn out? Tune in next time

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