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Earth realm Y/Ns POV

I am currently training with my brothers Scorpion and Sub Zero who despite our rough starts became like brothers to me which lead to us training together for whatever trys to invade our realm

Scorpion:Focus Y/N! You mustn't lose sight of your opponent!

Scorpion shouts as he uses his ninja skills to quickly move around the area

Sub Zero:You must be alert at all times as the slightest blunder can cost you the match or even your life if you aren't as quick to keep your eyes on the opponent!

Sub Zero also shouts as he is doing the same thing scorpion is doing

Y/N:Focus focus on keeping my eyes on the enemy's at all times....

I slowly close my eyes to listen for the twos movements to which I soon hear a branch cracking

Y/N:Got you now!

I slash in the direction of the sound only to hit air and to get hit in the back of the head

Scorpion:Your not focusing hard enough Y/N

Y/N: I'm doing my best scorpion I'm not a master of the silent attacks like you and brother Sub zero are

Sub Zero:Still you will improve over time it only takes a little practice here and there

Scorpion: Precisely and who knows you may become a powerful fighter as us one day

Y/N:hmm while I may not be adept at tracking my enemy movements yet I'm still a better swordsman then the two of you

Sub Zero:oh really? Care to place a wager on that?

Y/N:Sure what shall be the wager for the 3 of us?

Scorpion:how about this whoever wins has to cook dinner for us to eat later on

Y/N+Sub Zero:Very well

Y/N:also no using any ninja related skills we must have a honest and fair sword match using only our weapons

Scorpion:Fair enough

We each take our swords out

Sub Zero:On 3 we begin

Scorpion and I nod in agreement

Sub Zero:1



We rush at each other with attempt to win this match

*Clang* *Clang* *Clash*

The sounds of our swords clashing can be heard for miles as we strive to be better then the others

Scorpion:Let's see how you deal with this Y/N!

Scorpion shouts as his sword is engulfed in flames

Y/N: don't think your the only one who can do that scorpion!

I also coat my sword in flames

Both of us:AAAHHH!!!


A explosion of fire is soon seen by Sub Zero when the smoke clears scorpion is unconscious while I'm still standing

Sub zero looks at me and I look back at him

Sub Zero:seems it just you and me brother

Y/N:so it seems but do know I will not go down that easy

Sub Zero:I wouldn't want it any other way

We both coat of swords in ice waiting for the moment to strike

A leaf falls from a tree landing on the ground causing us to dash towards each other

*Clang* *Clash* *Clang*

Our frosty swords are causing snow to appear all around us as we continue to try out best each other

5 minutes later

We clash for a while and are both panting and breathing heavy

Y/N: haaa I think it's time we end this match don't you Brother Sub Zero?

Sub Zero:I agree one last attack from both of us then?

I nod and we get into stance

A second later we dash towards each other to finish the match


A snow cloud forms from our weapons clashing which causes Scorpion to wake up

A minute later the cloud disappears and I am still standing as the winner

Y/N:that was a great match you two but since I won I will cook dinner for us

Scorpion:that was the agreement so let's head inside to relax from a long day of training

Sub Zero and I both nod in agreement to which all 3 of us walk inside my home which is on the border of both scorpion and sub Zero's villages

Y/N:so what do y'all want to eat?

Scorpion:I'm thinking Pork chops and Rice to eat what about you Sub Zero?

Sub Zero:pork chops and rice sounds great let's go with that

Y/N: Alright pork chops and rice it is then

I say as I gather the stuff to make tonight's dinner for the 3 of us

5 minutes later

We hear a knock at the door

Y/N:Hey can one of you get that I can't leave the food unattended!

Scorpion:I got it

Scorpion walks to the door and opens it and is surprised to see someone at the door

Scorpion:Kitana? What are you doing here?

Kitana:I am here to recruit you and sub zero for the mortal Kombat tournament being held tomorrow

Sub zero walks to the door

Sub Zero:Well we will be there but we have one more person we want to attend with us

Kitana:Really? Who?

I yell from the kitchen

Y/N:Hey Scorpion Sub Zero! Dinner is ready!

Kitana:who is that?

Scorpion:That is Y/N he is our brother in arms after what he did to stop our feud with each other's clans

Kitana:He stopped y'all's feud how?

Timeskip with chibi sub zero telling chibi Kitana what I did

Kitana: I'm amazed that he was able to do that for the two of you

Scorpion:and for that we are ever thankful for his help in bring us peace

Sub Zero:I agree let me call him so he can hear what you have to say. Y/N! Come to the door for a second!

I walk out of the kitchen to see scorpion and sub Zero talking with a female I don't know

Y/N:What's up you two and who's this?

Sub Zero:This is Kitana Princess of Edenia

Y/N:Huh well nice to meet you princess and what can we do for you?

Kitana:as I mentioned to scorpion and sub zero there is a mortal Kombat tournament being held tomorrow and the two are needed but they also recommended you to join them

Y/N:hmm the mortal Kombat tournament that's usually the one held by emperor shao Khan right?

Scorpion:correct and it's a deadly tournament where you can lose your life if not prepared

Y/N:a dangerous tournament huh heck sign me up it'd be nice to rest my abilities on new opponents

Kitana:Very well Lord Raiden will be by tommorow to pick you three up

We nod and head back inside as Kitana leaves


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