Ch4 Y/N vs Sektor + More Confessions

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I am meditating my body and mind after heroicly freeing noob saibot from his darkness allowing him to be on the path of good once more

My girlfriend's kitana Sonya and skarlet are watching over me to ensure no sneak attacks come my way

Soon we hear the staff calling us for the next match to which I get up and head to the arena with the girls following me

Staff:Welcome Fighters! Now that everyone is here let's see who will be in the next match!

The screen starts to do a roulette sound till it stops on me and a red robot

Y/N:so I'm suppose to fight a red robot this time?

Y.Subzero:that red robot is Sektor a deadly cyborg ninja

Y/N:what's so deadly about him?

Raiden:He is a ruthless fighter using whatever means necessary to win the fight

Y.subzero:He is also capable of using his mounted flamethrowers on his wrists so be careful of that

I nod and step into the arena as does Sektor

Sektor:So a pathetic human wants to win this tournament

Y/N:you say pathetic human but really you just degrading yourself

Sektor:I am no longer human fool!

Y/N:yet you was once but became mad with power

Sektor:enough of this!

He gets into his battle stance as do I

Shao Kahn:Round 1 FIGHT!

We both dash towards each other as Sektor attempts to teleport beneath me in a attempt to get a hit

Blocking the attack I grab him and slam him on the ground hard before attempting to throw a hard punch to his chest which he blocks with one of his own fist

Sektor:You will not get the drop on me that easy mortal!

Y/N:Funny that you mention mortals but yet you was one yourself once

Sektor:do not talk as if you know my past!

Y/N:your right I should not talk about your past which is why I will finish this fight quickly

I say as I rush towards Sektor with my fist reared back for a punch which Sektor does the same


Our fist collided pushing each of us back to which we rush back at each other as we continue to fight

Meanwhile in the audience Kitana's POV

Sonya skarlet and I are watching Y/Ns fight with intense look on our faces

Kitana:Come Y/N you can win this....

I say quietly to myself

Sonya: Don't Worry Kitana Y/N Can Win this fight

Skarlet:She's right just have faith in him

Soon we hear foot steps coming towards us

????:Who are you talking about sister?

Turning around we see Millena and Jade walking towards us

Turning around we see Millena and Jade walking towards us

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