Ch5 Destiny Revealed

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After getting two more girlfriend's I am currently relaxing in the waiting room with the other kombatants

Soon the staff calls for us and we all walk to the arena

Arriving at the arena we see the fighter board roulette start spinning

Staff:Alright our next fight is be----

Before the staff could say who the fight is between we all hear a loud voice call out


Everyone is looking around but I look at the emperor and notice him sweating bullets

Soon a hulking dragon figure walks on to the arena and points his finger at the emperor

Soon a hulking dragon figure walks on to the arena and points his finger at the emperor

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Y/N:*whispering* Lord Raiden do you know who that is?

Raiden:*Whispering* that is Onaga the dragon King and the former emperor of out world

Onaga:Kahn!! Where is My Sword!!!

Shao Kahn:What sword are you talking about Onaga?!

He takes out a picture from out of no where and shows it to one of the emperors guards

The guard then looks to me as does everyone else

Y/N:Uh what's with the look?

The guard walks over to me

Guard:I believe your sword is this exactly

He says as he shows me

I look carefully at the picture before taking out my sword

Onaga glares at me before shouting

Onaga:How Does a Mortal Like You have my sword?!?!

Y/N:Well I came across a temple during my journey which I entered and as I stepped into the throne room a sword called to me but if I remember the sword was said to respond only to those who was worthy enough to wield it for the right reasons

Raiden:You mean to tell us that you came across Onagas temple entered his throne room where you obtained his sword?

Y/N:Yes and if it helps Mr Onaga I can hand it back to you to ensure the tournament can continue

Onaga:Seems there is Mortals who know what to do

We both meet in the arena where I hand Onaga the sword but as Onaga touches the blade it becomes incredibly heavy for him to wield

Onaga:Why is my sword so heavy?!

We all watch Onaga struggle to pick it up

Y/N:Might I try?

Onaga:if I can't lift it there's no way you can mortal!

I walk over to the sword and lift it up with ease


Raiden:Might I interject for a moment?

We all look towards Raiden

Raiden:I remember reading in a ancient text that the one who wields the sword of Onaga is destined to Unite the Realms under a peaceful banner and become the true emperor of the Realms

Y/N:Wait so since I can carry Onagas sword I am destined to become the true emperor?

Raiden:That's right also it is said in the text that you shall have the might of two very powerful individuals at your side in your quest to unite the Realms

Y/N:Um correct me I'm wrong but is one of the two individuals the current emperor himself Shao Kahn? As I'm sure he is very skilled and powerful in combat

Raiden:Shao Kahn is Very Powerful yes but as to whether he is the one or not only destiny can tell

Y/N:Well Mr Onaga if we can continue the tournament I can Spar with you to ensure of my ability to wield your sword after the tournament is over if that would that suffice?

Onaga:Very well mortal I will hold you to that

He then leaves heading back to his temple

The staff then announces the next fighters which are Sonya vs Kano

Timeskip to after the second round

Sonya has managed to beat Kano as shao Kahn says Finish him which Sonya does and ultimately kills Kano

We are then lead back to the waiting room where I go to my corner to meditate with the girls watching over me


Shadow here with the next chapter and I know it's short but I'm kinda tired and sleepy ATM but I will make the next chapter longer but I hope you all enjoy

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