Chapter 12 A Winds Calling

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Y/Ns PoV

After having a short Spar with Onaga and gaining the help from everyone at the house myself Kuai liang and scorpion live in

I am spending time with those in my harem as everyone else is doing their own thing around the house

Y/N:So what do you girls wanna do today

Sonya:Well all I wanna do is cuddle with you

Sadly the cuddling would have to wait as Jax walked over to us

Jax:Hey Kid How about a Spar?

Y/N:Sure it'll be a good opportunity for training but why not make it interesting?

Kitana:What did you have in mind?

Y/N:Instead of 1v1 why not have a 4v4 match which Jax and I will be the captains at which we will have to recruit three other members from those within the house

Jax:I'm liking that idea kid but what will be the objective for winning?

Y/N:Hmm how about this... Whichever team loses has to cook meals for everyone for the next five days

Jax:if you want that to be the objective then I'm game Kid

Sindel:We should inform the others first before any team is formed

Y/N: You're right Sindel

We walk inside the house where I gather everyone in the living room which I then proceed to tell everyone what's going on between me and Jax

After much discussion the teams between the two of us are Myself Scorpion Johnny and Jade against Jax Liu Kang Bi Han and Sheeva with Raiden being the referee for the matches

Both Jax and I agreed to be the last ones to fight

The matches between our teams goes quite well

eventually it comes down to the last match of the day

Y/N:Well Jax you ready?

Jax:the better question is are you ready?

We both get into our combat stances as we wait for Raiden to begin the match

Before the match could begin a strong force of wind blows over the field

Y/N:Where did this wind come from?!

Jax:No idea kid!

Soon I am picked up by the wind


The wind then carries me off into the sky with the others shouting my name

After being carried by the wind I find myself at some arena like structure

After being carried by the wind I find myself at some arena like structure

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Y/N:Where am I?

Voice:you are at the wind world and before you ask yes your still in earth realm

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