Ch 9 Y/N Vs Geras The Mysterious Fighter

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After dealing with yesterday's matches I am currently sparring with Shiva and Millena as we prepare for future fights also I should mention the others in the harem along with those of earth realm are sparring near us as well

*Block* *Punch* *Kick*

Y/N:So Any predictions on who will fight who in today's matches?

I say as I block both punches from my sparring partners

Shiva:It's undecided but I believe that you have a high probability of fighting the mysterious fighter

Y/N:Mysterious fighter?

Shiva points to a figure standing near a wall

Turning my head I look to see a figure wearing a cloak standing near a wall

Millena:he or she or whatever they are creeps me out

We continue to train for a solid hour before a staff comes and calls for everyone to gather for the next set of matches

Gathering at the arena we wait for the roulette board to show the first match

Staff:Alright lets see our first match of the day!

The staff members spins the roulette board wheel which one of the fighters ends up as Me while the other is the mysterious fighter

I look towards shiva with a raised eyebrow who just shugs her two top arms

Stepping into the arena I stare at the fighter with the cloak as they stare at me

Y/N:So you wanna take off the cloak so we can see who you are?

MF=Mysterious Fighter

MF:I see no point in revealing who I am

Y/N:But unless I'm wrong all fighters must show their faces unless proven otherwise by the staff....Right Your Grace?

Shao Kahn:You are correct now Our Mysterious Fighter as Emperor I Order you to remove your cloak and show us who you are!

The MF makes a tch sound before grabbing it's cloak and removing it revealing to everyone the fighter I'm facing

The MF makes a tch sound before grabbing it's cloak and removing it revealing to everyone the fighter I'm facing

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Geras:My name is Geras and I am here to test your might

Y/N:Well let's not keep everyone waiting in suspense

We get into our combat stances as we wait for the emperor to start the match

Shao Kahn:Round 1 Fight!

Rushing towards Geras our fist collide as the arena starts to crack under pressure

Y/N:Eat this!

I deliver a 10 combo hit to Geras which knocks him back a couple feet

Geras:Not bad but that won't stop me!

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