Ch 6 Endurance Match Y/N vs Sindel and Shiva + Confessions and Hidden Power

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After learning my destiny and witnessing Sonya beat Kano I am meditating in the waiting room for the next match to come up with my girlfriend's watching over me

Soon a staff member comes out and calls for all contestants to come out to arena

Walking to the arena we all stand our sides of the arena

Staff member:Alright now today's match is a special one for today the match will be a endurance match which basically means a 1vs2 match

We all stand quietly

The roulette wheel spins for a minute before landing on me and two others

Staff member:The endurance match will be Y/N vs Sindel and Shiva!

Liu Kang:Be wary of Sindel and Shiva Y/N

Y/N:Are they Strong?

Jax:Sindel she is a master with her voice meaning she can deafen you if given the chance

Johnny:As For Shiva she is Beast in close quarters combat since she has four arms to hit you with

I nod and walk into the arena where Sindel and Shiva are

Sindel:So you come at last

Y/N:Yes and I'm ready for whatever the two of you will throw at me lady Sindel

Sindel:Such Confidence very well I will let Shiva take first swings at you if you survive her then we will fight

Y/N:Very well

Shiva steps forward

Shiva:So this puny human wants to advance in the tournament huh?

Y/N:And this puny human will defeat the both you and lady Sindel so shall we begin?

I say as I get into a fighting stance as does Shiva

Shao Kahn:ROUND 1..... FIGHT!

We rush at each other where I attempt to send a hard punch to shiva but she catches it with one of her four arms

Grinning she sends a couple of punches towards my body but I head butt her causing her to lose her grip as I'm falling I kick her hard in the head sending her flying backwards

She stands up and glares at me

I wipe the blood from my mouth

We then rush at each other yelling a battle cry

*Punch* *Snap* *Kick* *Punch* *Punch*

The two rounds go by quick from our brawl soon Shiva is standing all wobbly


I send a hard punch to her mid section before kicking her away

Sindel steps up to the arena as Shiva is carried away

Sindel:So you survived Shiva but will you still have the strength to fight me?

Y/N:Normally in my condition no I wouldn't but if the emperor allows it I have one form I can use to continue the match

Shao Kahn:If it doesn't break the rules you can use it..

I nod and take out the sword and begin chanting a oath as my eyes glow white

Y/N:Sword of Legends Heed my Call. Bless me with the power of the Gods and the wrath of the Heavens. Bestow upon me your unwavering endurance and your overwhelming strength so that I may ensure victory and bring forth a new era of peace.

The swords light blinds everyone for a minute before disappearing and showing me in armor

The swords light blinds everyone for a minute before disappearing and showing me in armor

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Remove one sword and that's the armor your wearing

Raiden:Y/N what is that armor?

Y/N:It is Called Heavens Armor as for how I know the oath to unlock it I only remembered what I saw on the walls in Onaga's Temple

I say as I put away my wings to keep the match fair

Sindel:That is a impressive armor you have on but it won't do you any good

Y/N:So you say but your so called screech won't affect me while I'm wearing this armor Lady Sindel

Sindel:We shall see won't we?

We both get into our stances as we wait for Shao Kahn to start the match

Shao Kahn:Round 1......FIGHT!

Rushing at Sindel with insane speeds I send a couple of hard punches towards her body which she retaliates by grabbing my leg with her hair and throwing me on the ground hard

I grab her hair and lift her up before slamming her on the ground of the arena hard

We both stand up glaring at each other

Rushing towards each other I managed to leave a few cuts on sindel with my sword which she yells at me with her magical voice

The rounds go by quick with me barely winning the two rounds


I simply send a hard punch to sindels stomach causing her to fall on the ground unconscious

The staff member declares me the winner and I get out of my armor

Walking over my team I am bum barged with questions which I simply reply later

Heading to my spot in the waiting room I see my girlfriend's along with the two I just fought

Y/N:Uh Lady Sindel,Shiva what are you two doing here not that I don't mind your presence

Sindel:Well Y/N we are here due to a agreement with your girlfriend's

Y/N:What Agreement?

Sonya:The Agreement was if you could best the two of them in today's match they would confess to you and join the harem you have growing.

Y/N:Really? But Kitana are you fine with it since I know Sindel is your mother

Kitana:It's fine besides my mother has been needing a actual lover rather then a forced one

Y/N:Okay but what about you Shiva I thought you had someone else in mind?

Shiva:I never had another one in my mind but you

Y/N:Well if the girls are alright with it then welcome to the group then

Sindel and Shiva smile before giving me a kiss on the lips which I return

Sindel goes off as start to meditate with the others of the harem watching over me


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