Chapter 14 Recruiting for the council (Part 1)

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Waking up in my new bed at the castle I now reside in I put on my normal clothes and exit the room

Head Butler:Good morning your grace I trust everything was to your liking?

Y/N:it was fantastic thank you for asking

Head Butler:your welcome I live to serve the emperor along with the guards of the castle but I digress shall I call for help to get you to the throne?

Y/N:That won't be necessary I can walk there besides just having everything done for me at the drop of a hat wouldn't work out for me as I prefer to be active in situations where I'm needed

The two of us head to the throne room where everyone is standing and chatting with each other

Raiden:there you are your grace

I take a sit on the throne and look at everyone in the room

Jax:so Kid have you thought of you wanted in your council?

Jax asks me which I nod

Y/N:I have yes infact the chosen council members I have picked for earth Realm are in this very room

Ryu:Who are they?

Y/N:Bi-Han and Hanzo step forward

The two ninjas step forward and kneel before me

Both Ninjas:Your grace

Y/N:Hanzo,Bi-Han the two of you are extremely tough combatants both mastering the powers of hell fire and artic ice of which the two elements can severely harm or even kill a person so I ask that you both join the council in hope that peace and prosperity can be shared through all who live in earth Realm. Do you both accept?

I ask the two ninjas kneeling before me

The two look at each other and nod in agreement

Both Ninjas:We accept!

Head Butler:Allow me your grace you don't know this part of the recruitment for the council so it's best to watch for this part

The butler says to me which I nod

Head Butler:Now then council member Hanzo and council member Bi-Han please extend your right hands out

The two does what the butler says and extend their right hands out which the butler gives them a ring that symbolizes them as a council member to the true emperor

Head Butler:Those rings will show everyone that you both are a member of the council to the true emperor Y/N and of the realm he has chosen you both to govern over

Bi-Han:We gracefully accept

Hanzo:We shall not let you down Y/N

Y/N:I know you won't Hanzo now for outworld I'm gonna need the two rulers of outworld to be brought here

Fujin:You want Kahn and Onaga?

I nod my head at Fujins words

Head Butler:I shall have the guards go get them your grace

The butler snaps his fingers and two portals open up which four guards two for each portal go through

After several minutes both pairs of guards with shao Kahn and Onaga themselves

Shao Kahn:Whats the reason for calling us?

Y/N:The reason why I called you both Emperor Shao Kahn and Emperor Onaga the dragon king is because I need council members for each realm so that true peace can be assured throughout the realms

Onaga:And you picked us?

I nod

Y/N:yes Onaga as for the realm you and Shao Kahn will govern I have decided on Outworld as you both know the layout of the realm but you will only gain that position if you decide to accept my offer to become the council members for outworld

Both Shao Kahn and Onaga look at each other before nodding

Emperors:We accept

Y/N:Very good now then head Butler if you will

Head butler nods and proceeds to do the same thing he did to Hanzo and Bi-Han

Y/N:Now then who to pick next for the rest of the realms

Sindel:Darling I might know of two you can recruit for council members

Shao Kahn:Sindel surely your aren't suggesting "them"

Ken:Uh Them?

Sindel:yes Kahn I am now for who I refer to are the half god brothers taven and daegon who are children to one of the elder gods they both are formidable fighters and are currently residing in edenia the once realm I governed over with kitania and my late husband Jared before Shao Kahn took over it

Y/N:And they are currently residing in that realm?

Sindel:Yes they are but you must prove that you are a capable fighter to get them to think of joining the council

Y/N:Hmm does it have to be me or would I be able to send someone in my stead?

Head Butler:it is possible for you to send someone your grace but I'd highly recommend that the ones you send are able to hand the two you wish to recruit

Raiden:He is right your grace so for the brothers please choose two of us besides those you already recruited to your council to go get the brothers

I think for a moment before deciding

Y/N:Jax Liu can I ask for your assistance on getting the brothers to come here?

Jax:No problem kid we'll get them to come

Liu:Yes just have faith in us your grace

I nod which the butler opens up a portal for the two

Head Butler:Right this way gentlemen

The two nod and enter the portal to edenia

After jax and Liu Kang enter the portal I look towards the others as we discuss on who else to recruit to the council besides those who already joined


Shadow here and sorry for the late update as well as the short chapter part but regardless I hope you all enjoy part 1 of 2 of the council recruitment for the story and I will see you all in the next part

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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