2 | Unexpected news

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Iris's POV

I skid to the side of the school and removed my helmet and put on my emotionless blank face. I grew up with the thought that 'Emotions makes you weak' thus, always had this expression on.

I looked over at my watch and realize I was fifteen minutes late for English. One of my favorite subjects. Yay !! ( note the sarcasm )

Quickly , I walked down the hallway and thinking how should I make my own grand entrance.

I kicked the door opened and made my way to the back of the class and put my bag on the table with my legs on it which attracted all of the heads to my direction.

Ms tresh looked at me with a stern look and before I could start my own little dreamland , I was awoken up by the high pitch annoying voice of hers.

"IRIS LOPEZ ! HOW DARE YOU BE LATE FOR MY CLASS ! ..." and before she could finish her sentence I interrupted her "well I just wasn't interested in your class Ms trash ( enunciate the word trash ) your class is literally trash like it belong to the dustbin not on the earth , it will stink up everywhere , bet nobody even liked this class" snickers and giggles could be heard around the class. I retort with my arms crossed and my eyebrow raised.

" DISRESPECTING THE TEACHER. DETENTION NOW MS IRIS LOPEZ !" She said in her high annoying bitchy voice. I rolled my eyes.I don't even understand why did the school  hired her it is not like I even need this class , I always ace all of the subjects.

It was slowly interrupted by the school's speaker "Iris Lopez please go to the principal's office now" Ms tresh glared at me and a smirk formed on her lips.

The tension in the class could literally be cut by a knife. "I'm literally so popular today and busy like everybody wants me today" I tossed my bag to the side of my shoulders and began walking to the door and blew kisses before I left.

On my way , i began to think 'what did I even do oh wait , is it the vandalism at the school's gate or is it the mess at the cafeteria'  I made my way to the principal's office and kicked the door without knocking it.

There I could see two police officers standing and the side , a about twenty year old man dressed formally sitting down.

They turned their attention to me when I entered probably because I didn't knock.

When I began to examine everyone , my eyes darted to the man on the side which made my eyes widen on how similar we look like. His eyes widen when he first saw me but I quickly brushed it off and put on my cold , emotionless face and turned my attention to the principal.

"Hey old man , what am I here for ? Is it the vandalism or is it the mess ?" I said with a smile on my face as I did have the reputation for being the bad girl and doing all sorts of illegal activities.

"Don't worry iris, you are not here because of it but regarding to the death of your mum and dad. They were found shot in the alley , doing illegal drug activities. Do you have any ideas that they were doing drug activities ?" , i was shocked , confused , I didn't know how to react.

But I slowly furrowed my eyebrows when he mentioned the words 'mum' and 'dad'.

They were no parents of mine when they treated me like shit when I was 4. They don't deserve the title. But the thought of them leaving my life suddenly , left me with many thoughts.

Should I be glad that I'm no longer in their hands or should I be worried that I'm gonna be put in a foster care system. What am I going to do ? Many thoughts sprinted into my mind.

I didn't even know I was zoning out when I was called repeatedly "iris" "iris" "iris hello are you listening" "yes yes I'm listening"I replied still shock from it.

I always knew that they were gonna die probably from drunk ness but not shot in the alley. "Well , did you know that they did any illegal activities and they do have a track record for abuse. Did they do anything to you" he asked.

My eyes started darting everywhere , my hands clenched , I slowly bit my lips , my knees began to shake and my breathing hitched. It is a habit for me whenever I am nervous.

I gathered my coldest , strongest voice and responds"they didn't do anything to me, they treated me fine" they seemed convinced with my answers and I mustered up the courage to ask "what's gonna happen to me ? Am I going into a foster care orphanage ?"

"No , you are actually not going into a foster care orphanage. It seems that you have siblings , in fact 5 older brothers and a twin" he answered. My mouth dropped and everything went stiff.

"But I'm an only child , I do not have any siblings, old man if this is some joke you can give up" from my view , I can see the man with similar features showed a hint of hurt but slowly covered it up with a blank face.

"this is not a joke iris , you actually have siblings , in fact your second oldest sibling Elijah Bianchi is here to pick you up"

When the words Bianchi was spoken out , I immediately knew that they belong to the world fearless Italian mafia as many mafias wanted to hire me to eliminate them but I turn it down as I don't have any interest in eliminating mafias that don't do human trafficking.

Some are willing to offer up to a million dollars.Seems like they have a lot of strong rivals.

I glanced at the man and scanned him and I can see a gun bulging at the back of his pocket. He looked confused on what I was doing. "Well , lets go then" I said without giving him a second look , picked up my bag and stride out.

*that's it for chapter 2 !! hope you like it !! <3

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