15 | New girl

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Reuben's POV


"UGH SHUT UP" I shouted at the alarm before slamming it to shut up. "WAKE UP REUBEN !! YOU HAVE SCHOOL IN 15 MINUTES" My mom shouted from downstairs.

I climbed out of bed and brushed my teeth and quickly change into a simple outfit before going down.

"Here you go" mom tossed me a sandwich and I grabbed my motorbike keys.

I hopped into my it (any model) and start the engine. I parked outside of school and looked at my watch 8.20am.

I began to take my time to walk because this isn't the first time that I've been late before so I couldn't care about it.

I walked down the hallways and i have a gut feeling today is gonna be a wild day and I decided to trust it.

Because all my gut feelings were always right. Like once I had a gut feeling about the tap water running and I opened the bathroom door and there , is the water running out of the sink.

And another time is during chemistry , and I did blow up the lab. But don't know whether that is an accident or not.

So I trust all my gut feelings.

I kicked open the door and basically all the students in the class turned to the door but someone particularly attracted me.

New ways to enter the class has always been my thing but today , I couldn't be bothered to think of one.

"You're late Mr.Reuben Sanchez" The teacher said looking at me.

"Whatever" I replied before walking towards the girl who is sitting at my seat.

No one in the school dare to sit at my seat because they know me as the bad boy and wouldn't want to mess with me.

Last time , I punched a boy because he told me to shut up. I ended him in a coma for 2 weeks , do I regret ?

Yes , because it got me in detention for 2 weeks.

No , because I don't care about it.

So this new girl has really got some nerves to sit at my seat.

"Get out of my seat" I snarled at her.

Everybody faced us.

"Oh, this is your seat? I didn't know it." She rolled her eyes.

"I will not repeat the second time get out of my seat now." I demanded and slightly raising my hoping to scare her ass off but she didn't move at all.

"I don't see your name here Mr. Reuben Sanchez" She challenged raising my voice too.

Ooh feisty

"I don't - " "Okay that's enough , Reuben you seat behind Iris"

Oh so her name is Iris.

With no choice , I walked behind her and sat behind her and leaned towards her whispering in her ear.

"Don't challenge me gattina (kitten)"

"I'll love a challenge cucciolo (puppy)" She whispered back.

She can understand Italian ? But damn her voice do be sounding nice in her mouth. What am I thinking ? Reuben , don't think about this.

After that she went to sleep , without listening to Mrs. Nelson class.


But to be honest , I also wasn't paying to Mrs. Nelson class.  The bell rang and I saw Iris dragging her bag to Physics with a frown on her face which I could tell she absolutely detests it.

I sat behind her and watch her doodle in class which shows her not paying attention to class.

This new girl do be a new type.

"Ms. Iris Bianchi , What is the answer to my question" the teacher , Ms Patrison asked showing a smirk to her because she caught her not paying to her lesson.

She is a Bianchi , no wonder she is just like her brothers. This keeps getting more interesting.

"93 minutes" She replied instantly looking at her and rolled her eyes.

I was taken aback , she didn't even hesitate to answer but most importantly how did she answer the question even though she wasn't paying attention.

Ms Patrison eyes widen, clearly not expecting her to answer her questions and she quickly went back to her lesson to try to hide her embarrassment.

I stared at her black silky hair and her curves because that's the only features I could see from the back.

The bell rang, she immediately stood up and dashed out of the class.

I don't know if it's the next class she's excited for or the fact that she's uncomfortable of me staring at her. Hopefully it's not the second one.

wait why do I care about her ?

Next class was art and I made my way to art and I saw Iris.

I sat next to her , "Why are you here?" she questioned "Why can't I be here" I said giving her a wink.

Her cheek flushed a little and I smirked knowing I got her to blush.

She looked back to her white canvas and started drawing.

I took a few glances at her and she was actually taking art seriously , I turned back to my canvas and started drawing a stick man because that is the only thing I know how to draw.

"Iris that's an amazing work" Ms Clark praised Iris.

I turned to look at her work and wow I have to admit I didn't expect her to be good at drawing.


I went to my next lesson , geography , and slammed on my seat.

"Reu , having a bad day ?" My bestfriend Adam asked , giving me a nudge. Adam has been my bestfriend since 5, my parents found him at a nearby dustbin and finding food and they couldn't see his state so they decided to adopt him so we have been very close. 

"No" "Anyways did you hear a new girl transferred ? I heard she's hot , I haven't seen her yet" he whispered.

I couldn't help but clenched my fist when he talked about her being hot.

"Okay okay , she's yours" he teased , noticing my clenched fists.

"No , I'm not attracted to her" I argued.

"I didn't say anything" he smirked.

I turned to my work , hoping to get her off my mind but her voice , hair , body , eyes are stuck in my mind. Why can't I get rid of her ? I can't stop thinking about her.

Now I wonder when I will see her.

*that's it for chapter 15 !! hope you like it !! <3

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