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-Small anxiety attack
-Self harm

George's POV

We returned home after a long day in the museum and I went to my room. Clay slept in the bus, but he was still so exhausted that he came with me to lay down in his bed. I grabbed my phone to text Dream that I had time for if he wanted to talk to me. He replied quickly.

I'm a bit tired, but I think I'm ready to tell you the first part. I just really hope you're not going to dislike me

I'll never dislike you

This is really hard for me, please just go do something while I prepare. I don't want you to wait for me while I type it, just do something

Okay, I will read a book

Okay <3

I grabbed my book from my nightstand and opened it on the first page. My mum bought me two books for the camp since I loved reading. The books were really long, they had over four hundred pages. I would definitely be able to fill my free time with reading.

I got completely lost in my book and before I knew I had already read twenty pages. Reading was genuinely a passion of mine, I could talk about it for hours long. My mum always sat with me and let me talk about my books.

I saw my phone screen lit up and clicked on the message. It was Dream.

I am gay

I saw he went offline as soon as I read the message and I smiled.

I'm so proud of you <3 I still love you just as much as I did before

Dream didn't come back online immediately, I knew that he was probably stressed and that he was really scared of my reply. I went back to reading my book to let Dream calm down a little and after a while he texted me again.


Yeah, of course. I don't mind whoever you like, I just want you to be happy. If you're happy with a boy then I don't want you to be with a girl

Thank you so much, I was so scared to tell you that. Well, that's the first part of my secret, but I'm so stressed now. I don't dare to tell more

That's totally fine <3 take all the time you need

Do you find it weird now if I tell you I love you?

Not at all, everything is still the same as before. And I love you too, Dream

I love you <3 I'm tired, I'm going to sleep for a bit now

I'm going to read for a little, text me when you want to talk to me

Before you go, I have a question

Yes? :)

Do you know when you like someone?

Not sure, I think you feel attracted to him, you feel butterflies and you blush. Your heart beats faster when you're with him and you think about him a lot

Thank you :)

Do you like someone?

I liked someone in the past a lot and I'm not sure if I still like him. Although I wasn't talking about him

Aww, you can talk about the boy you like if you want

That's going to make things awkward

Do you like me?

Well, maybe a little bit, but I know you're not gay. I'm not going to try something

I've never thought about my sexuality :) I don't know if I'm straight or not and I don't mind <3 what do you like about me?

You're just so sweet and understanding, it's just confusing. I think I like you, but I'm also confused about my feelings for that boy in real life

You have time to think about it, you should sleep now if you're tired

I'm sorry for making things so awkward

Nothing is awkward now <3 I love you

I love you too <3

I closed my phone and grabbed my book again. Above me I heard Clay move and he slowly climbed down the short ladder. He looked at me shortly and I smiled, but I got a mad look back.

He walked to the bathroom, probably to go to the toilet and he came back a little later. He stood still for a second, looking at me. He took a deep breath and sighed. 'Could you wake me up when it's dinner time?'

'Of course, no worries.'

I saw that he was trying to have a conversation with me so I smiled at him and patiently waited for him to say something.

'Is it uh- a n-nice book?' he muttered.

'It is! Do you want to read the summary?'

'Uh- sure.'

I gave him my book and he quickly read the back of it. 'Sounds fun.'

He gave me my book back and still didn't really move.

'Are you okay?'


I saw his hands shaking and he started blinking a lot suddenly. He didn't seem to be okay and I stood up to walk closer to him. 'What's wrong?'

'Uh-.' I noticed him breathing a bit faster and I grabbed his hand, pulling him to my bed. I made him sit down and pulled him closer to me. He started calming down again and stood up a while later.

TW slight bullying/self harm later

'Please don't think we are friends now.'

'I don't think we are. Do you want to talk about what just happened?'

'Nothing, I wouldn't tell you anyway.'

'Okay, that's fine.'

'Just read, dumbass. You're annoying me with all your questions.'

I nodded slowly, but I stood up instead. I walked to the bathroom and sat down on the ground in silence as I stared at my blades. Clay was making me so sad, it hurt me so badly each time he was mean.

I couldn't stop myself and grabbed the blade again, putting it on my skin. Just a few cuts, nothing more.

1012 words

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