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In the heart of an ominously dark and tempestuous night, the world seemed to teeter on the edge of chaos rather than beauty. Foreboding clouds, heavy and pregnant with menace, hung low in the sky, as if whispering dire predictions of an impending storm with the potential to wreak havoc and destruction on an unimaginable scale. The rain, relentless in its pour, seemed to mourn the unfolding tragedies in a world plagued by malevolence, its tears fueling the swelling rage of the river, which threatened to breach its banks and unleash a flood upon the land.In this tumultuous setting, the natural world was thrown into a frenzy. The sudden, jarring echo of a loud noise reverberated through the dense forest, causing birds to scatter in panic and animals to hasten their steps. Amid this chaos, the shrill cries of a woman and a man pierced the air, their sounds of distress so profound that even the wildest of creatures hesitated to approach, their instincts warning them of the treachery that often came with human dealings.In the midst of this maelstrom, a young couple found themselves locked in a desperate struggle for survival. However, their efforts seemed futile against the relentless forces of nature and the cruel twists of fate that had led them to this moment. As they faced the inevitable, they found solace in each other's gaze, a silent acknowledgment of a love that had blossomed beautifully but was now tragically coming to an end. They had embarked on this journey believing in the purity of their love, never considering that in a world where deceit lay around every corner, their trust in others would be their undoing.

"I love you! Hema..." the man cried out, tears streaming down his face as he beheld his wife.

"I love you too... Ridan..." she replied with a fading smile, as he felt the last vestiges of her life ebbing away.

In that moment, Ridan understood that his time, too, was drawing to a close. Yet, even as he prepared to embrace death, a bitter chuckle escaped his lips. 

"I die.But I win," he murmured, gazing at his beloved one last time, finding a semblance of victory in his refusal to let the darkness of the world extinguish their love.

Exhaustion finally claimed him, and with a sense of peace that the malevolence they had faced would not have the final say, he closed his eyes for the last time, departing for a realm beyond the sorrows of the earth, leaving behind the sinners to reckon with their deeds.

"Saheb!!" Mukund's voice shattered the eerie silence as he stumbled upon the scene of his master's demise.

"Master!" he wailed, tears mingling with the rain on his face as he lamented his failure to protect the couple who meant the world to him. In his grief, he struck himself, tormented by the weight of his perceived culpability.

There, in the secluded depths of the forest, with the river murmuring mournfully as it wove its way through the trees, lay two bodies, a testament to a love that endured to the bitter end.

"What have I done? WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!?" Mukund cried out, his voice a mix of despair and self-reproach. He collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest as the enormity of the tragedy engulfed him.

"I'm a sinner! I'm a sinner!" he declared, consumed by guilt and sorrow, his heart breaking under the burden of a calamity he believed he had failed to avert.

UNKNOWN TO HER - PART 1 ✔Where stories live. Discover now